Decline of Buddhism in India occupies a significant place in the country’s rich history and spiritual heritage. It originated in the 6th century BC and was founded by Siddhartha Gautama, who later became known as the Buddha, or “Enlightened One”. This spiritual philosophy emphasizes the Four Noble Truths, which deal with the nature of suffering, and the Eightfold Path, a guide to ethical and spiritual development.
During the early years of Buddhism in India, it flourished with numerous monasteries, stupas, and followers throughout the subcontinent. It played a key role in shaping Indian culture, art, and philosophy. However, over time, Buddhism declined in its country of origin, mainly due to factors such as the revival of Hinduism and foreign invasions.
However, Buddhism continues to have a significant presence in India, particularly in places such as Bodh Gaya, where the Buddha attained enlightenment, and Sarnath, where he gave his first sermon. These places are visited by pilgrims from all over the world, and Buddhism remains an integral part of India’s diverse religious tapestry, representing a profound quest for spiritual awakening and inner peace.
Decline of Buddhism in the Indian
Historical Facts | Buddhism in India |
Promoter | Gautam Buddha |
First sermon | Sarnath |
First Buddhist Council | Rajagriha |
Second Buddhist Council | Vaishali |
Third Buddhist Council | Patliputra |
Fourth Buddhist Council | Kundalvana, Kashmir |
Buddhism began in India over 2,600 years ago as a way of life that had the potential to transform a person. It is one of the important religions in South and Southeast Asian countries. The religion is based on the teachings and life experiences of its founder, Siddhartha Gautama, born around 563 BC. He was born into the royal family of the Sakya clan, who ruled from Kapilvastu in Lumbini, located near the Indo-Nepal border. At the age of 29, Gautama left home, rejecting his life of opulence and adopting a lifestyle of asceticism or extreme self-discipline. After 49 consecutive days of meditation, Gautama attained Bodhi (enlightenment) under a pipal tree in Bodhgaya, a village in Bihar. The Buddha gave his first sermon in the village of Sarnath, near the city of Benares in UP. This event is known as Dharma-Chakra-Pravartana (turning of the wheel of law). He died at the age of 80 in 483 BC at a place called Kushinagara, a city in UP. The event is known as Mahaparinibban.
Principles of Buddhism
The Buddha asked his followers to avoid the extremes of worldly pleasures and the practice of strict abstinence and austerities. Instead, he attributed the ‘Madhyam Marg’ or middle path to be followed. According to him, everyone was responsible for their happiness in life, which emphasized the individualistic component of Buddhism. The main teachings of Buddhism are encapsulated in the basic concepts of the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism, or Ariya Bachchan, and the Eightfold Path of Buddhism, or Ashtanga Marg.
The Four Noble Truths
- (i) Suffering (dukkha) is the essence of the world.
- (ii) All suffering has a cause, Samudayo.
- (iii) Suffering can be extinguished, Nirodha.
- (iv) This can be achieved by following the Ashtanga Magga (Eightfold Path).
Eight folding paths
The path consists of various interconnected activities related to knowledge, behavior, and meditation practices.
- (i) Right view
- (ii) Proper Intention
- (iii) Right speech
- (iv) Proper Conduct
- (v) Right Livelihood
- (vi) Right Mindfulness
- (vii) Due Diligence
- (viii) Proper concentration
Dukha and its cessation are central to the Buddha’s doctrine. Suffering is not limited to actual pain; it also has the potential to experience these things. The essence of Buddhism is the attainment of enlightenment. It points to a way of life that avoids self-indulgence and self-denial. There is no supreme god or deity in Buddhism.
The ultimate goal of the Buddha’s teachings was the attainment of Nibbana, which was not a place but an experience that could be attained in this life. The Buddha also established a code of conduct for both the monastic order and the laity to follow, also known as the Five Precepts, or Pancasila, and to abstain from.
- (i) Violence
- (ii) theft
- (iii) sexual misconduct
- (iv) lying or defamation
- (v) consumption of intoxicating substances, e.g. drugs or drinks
Major Buddhist texts
Buddha’s teachings were oral. He taught for 45 years and adapted his teaching to the group he addressed. The Sangha was learned by heart, and group recitations were held on festivals and special occasions. The teachings were rehearsed and verified at the First Council and were divided into three peaks in 483 BC. His teachings were written down around 25 BC in Pali. Other important Buddhist scriptures include Divyavadana, Dipavamsa, Mahavamsa, Milind Panha, etc.
The Three Pitakas
- (i) The Vinaya Pitaka consists of rules of conduct and discipline applicable to the monastic life of monks and nuns.
- (ii) The Sutta Pitaka consists of the main teachings, or Dhamma, of the Buddha. It is divided into five Nikayas or collections: (a) Digha Nikaya, (b) Majjhima Nikaya, (c) Samyutta Nikaya, (d) Anguttara Nikaya, and (e) Khuddaka Nikaya.
- (iii) Abhidhamma Pitaka is a philosophical analysis and systematization of the teachings and scientific activities of the monks.
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Buddhist councils
Buddhist councils marked important turning points in early Buddhism. These councils resulted in sectarian clashes and the eventual Great Schism, which resulted in two main schools, Theravada and Mahayana. A total of four major Buddhist councils were convened:
(i) First Council
It took place soon after the Buddha’s Mahaparinirvana, around 483 BCE, under the auspices of King Ajatshatru and presided over by Mahakasyapa, a monk. The council was held in the Sattapani cave in Rajgriha. The council was held to preserve the Buddha’s teaching (sutta) and rules for disciples. During this council, the teachings of the Buddha were divided into three pikas.
(ii) Second Council
It was held in Vaishali, a village in Bihar, under the patronage of King Kalasoka in 383 BC. Sabakami chaired it
(iii) Third-party Council
It was held in 250 BC at Patliputra under the patronage of Ashoka and presided over by Moggaliputta Tissa.
(iv) Fourth Council
It took place in 72 AD in Kundalvana, Kashmir. It was presided over by Vasumitra, while Asvaghosa was its deputy under the patronage of King Kanishka of the Kushan Empire. Buddhism was divided into two sects, the Mahayana and the Hinayana.
Schools of Buddhism
(i) Mahayana
It is one of the two main schools, or sects of Buddhism. The term Mahayana is a Sanskrit word that means “great vehicle.”. They believe in the celestiality of the Buddha and the worship of Buddha Idols and Bodhisattvas embodying the Buddha’s nature. It is native to northern India and Kashmir and then spreads eastward to Central Asia, East Asia, and some areas of Southeast Asia. Buddhist schools established in China, Korea, Tibet, and Japan belong to Mahayana Buddhism.
(ii) Hinayana
A minor vehicle is also known as an abandoned vehicle or a defective vehicle. They believe in the original teachings of the Buddha or the teachings of the elders. He does not believe in idol worship and seeks to achieve individual salvation through self-discipline and meditation. Theravada is a sect of Hinayana Buddhism.
(iii) Theravada
It is the oldest surviving branch of Buddhism today. It remains closest to the original teachings of the Buddha. Theravada Buddhism developed in Sri Lanka and subsequently spread to the rest of Southeast Asia. It is the dominant form of religion in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Thailand.
(iv) Vajrayana
Vajrayana means “Vehicle of Lightning,” also known as Tantric Buddhism. Vajrayana Buddhism developed in India around 900 AD. It is based on esoteric elements and a very complex set of rituals compared to the rest of the Buddhist schools.
(v) Zen
It is a school of Mahayana Buddhism that originated in China during the Tang Dynasty as the Chan School of Chinese Buddhism and later developed into various schools. It spread to Japan in the 7th century A.D. Meditation is the most prominent feature of Zen Buddhism.
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Spread of Buddhism
The Buddha had two kinds of disciples: monks (bhikshus) and lay believers (upasikas). Monks were organized into the Sangha to spread his teachings. The Sangha was governed on democratic lines and was empowered to enforce discipline among its members. Thanks to the organized efforts of the Sangha, Buddhism made rapid progress in North India even during the Buddha’s lifetime. After the Buddha’s death, his followers followed his path of meditation and wandered the countryside. For 200 years, Buddhism remained overshadowed by its Hindu counterparts until the arrival of the Great Mauryan Empire King, Ashoka. After the bloodbath of the conquest of Kalinga, Emperor Ashoka decided to abandon the policy of world conquest and embrace the conquest of Dhamma. Ashoka sent various Buddhist missions to different areas, such as Gandhara, Kashmir, Greece, Sri Lanka, Burma (Myanmar), Egypt, and Thailand, during the Third Buddhist Council. Through his missionary efforts, during the Ashokan reign, Buddhism spread to Western Asia and Ceylon. A local religious sect was thus transformed into a world religion.
Contribution of Buddhism to Indian Culture
Buddhism contributed significantly to the development of Indian culture. The concept of ahimsa was his main contribution. Later, it became one of the valued values of our nation. His contribution to the art and architecture of India was remarkable. The stupas at Sanchi, Bharhut, and Gaya are magnificent pieces of architecture. It promoted education through residential universities such as those at Taxila, Nalanda, and Vikramasila. The Pali language and other local languages developed through the teachings of Buddhism. It also encouraged the spread of Indian culture to other parts of Asia.
Buddhism as a way of soft diplomacy
Buddhism in India as a soft power differs from the conventional sense of the term. India talks about shared cultural development instead of exporting culture. The values of peace, accommodation, inclusiveness, and compassion that are part of our societies can be attributed to the influence of the teachings of Lord Buddha and Buddhism. The ideals of Buddhism continue to intertwine with the political and economic context of many Asian nations, which make up 22% of the world’s population. Buddhism can act as a reinforcing factor for Asian emotional bonds and connectivity because it is built into their “nationalist” thinking and actions. Buddhism is not limited to Asia and has been able to create a spiritual awakening elsewhere in the world and influence the flow of philosophical traditions around the world. India at the moment has in its favor an abundance of resources through pilgrimage sites, the presence of the Dalai Lama, international goodwill, and the right intentions.
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The way forward
Effective revitalization of the Nalanda University project and promotion of Buddhist studies in well-established universities will bring the international community to a common platform. Promotion of Buddhist tourism reminiscent of the “Incredible India” campaign is needed to popularize India’s connection with the faith internationally. The government faces a major challenge in terms of effective implementation. Buddhist diplomacy would go a long way in countering China’s rise, strengthening its relations with Asian countries, and helping it continue on the path of its regional and global power ambitions.
The Indian archaeological sites of Nalanda Mahavihara in Nalanda, Bihar Buddhist monuments in Sanchi, the MP Mahabodhi temple complex in Bodh Gaya, Bihar, Ajanta Caves in Aurangabad, Maharashtra, etc. are UNESCO sites related to Buddhism.
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(FAQ) Questions and Answers about the Decline of Buddhism in the Indian
Q-1. Who is the founder of Buddhism?
Ans: Gautama Buddha is the founder of Buddhism.
Q-2. Where was the first Buddhist conference held?
Ans: The first Buddhist conference was held at Rajgriha.
Q-3. Where was the second Buddhist conference held?
Ans: The second Buddhist conference was held at Vaishali.
Q-4. Where was the third Buddhist conference held?
Ans: The third Buddhist conference was held at Patliputra.
Q-5. Where was the fourth Buddhist conference held?
Ans: The fourth Buddhist conference was held in Kundalvana, Kashmir.