
Sentence is the largest unit of a language. You can get a clear senese all about the sentence like structure of sentence, elements of a sentence, types of sentence etc. And also will be sure the different between sentence and non-sentence from this article.

English Sentence

Depiction of sentence

Sentence is a group of word that provide a complete sense. More vividly, when we place word consecutively that express our complete thought, called sentence.

Some example of sentence and Non-sentence

We are playing footballFootball playing are we.
The girl is dancingDancing sima is
Can you Give me your pen?Me pen give your you can?
Don’t run in the sun.Sun run in the don’t.
Honesty is the best policy.Policy is honesty the best.
He go to school.Go he school to.
It is our holiday.Holiday it our is etc.

How to identify a sentence

In written English it is not too difficult to identify a sentence. Mind it that a sentence always start with a capital letter or symbol and end with some punctuation such as full stop (.), question mark (?) Or explanation sign(! ).

Example of sentence with punctuation

Chandrayan-III is successfully landed on the moon!

Jack, you are amazing!

Indian Army fight for us in border.

Man is mortals.

How are you?

What are you thinking about?

Clear the Concept of Sentence With Example

Now we take an example from upper stanza and Try to clear the concept of sentence. ‘The girl is dancing’- in this case we place the words -‘The’ ‘girl’, ‘is’, ‘dancing’ in a proper way and make a complete sense that a girl is practice Or performed her dance now. But if we place the word in such way – ‘dancing the is girl’, it can not make complete sense, so it can not be consider as a sentence.

Rule to Make a Sentence

  • 1. Sentence is a group of word
  • 2. It always provide a cleare sense.
  • 3. Its structural format is subject+been+object.
  • 4. Sentence consist with word, phrase or clause.
  • 5. It is the large unit of language.
  • 6. It must contain a finite verb.
  • 7. The first letter of a sentence always remains capital letter.

Part of a Sentence

Primarily a sentence divided into two parts. The two parts of a sentence are-

  • (i) Subject
  • (ii) Predicate.

What is Subject in Sentence

Subject is a part of a sentence, in fact it is one of the vital part of a sentence. The subject is what and who perform the action of the verb of a sentence. Or in another word, a noun or a pronoun that perform the action of the verb. We can find subject easily through the verb by ‘who’. Some other word can be devoted with subject. If we see an example – “John Is good boy” Here John is the subject of this sentence because the sentence is telling about John and ‘John’ performed the action of the verb (is).

What is Predicate in Sentence

Second vital part of a sentence is predicate. It is A group of word that take part after the subject in a sentence and complete the meaning of this sentence. It contains a verb and describe the subject. Let’s try to understand the predicate from the upper example

“John is a good boy”, here John is the subject but the other portion of the sentence is called predicate, which contain the verb.

If we question the subject by ‘who’ then we get the subject. Likewise, which part of the sentence tell something about subject called predicate.

Some example of subject and predicate are here

The boys are playing footballThe boysare playing football
The sun rises in the eastThe sunrises in the east
Mina is cooking a dishMinais cooking a dish
She was writingShewas writing
Tajmahal situated in agraTajmahalsituated in agra
Dolphins live in the seaDolphinslive in the sea
You will be happyYouwill be happy
India is a great countryIndiais a great country

Elements of a Sentence

sentence consist some smaller elements like , clause, phrase, word, letter. If we divided a sentence then we get some smaller part.

A sentence is structured with clauses —– a clause is structured with phrases — a phrase is structured with word—- a word is structured with letter.

Structure of Sentence in summary

Letter — word– phrase— clause—- sentence.

More clearly, if we place some letter consecutively then we get word. Similarly, By placing some word we can get phrase. Likewise, some phrase make clause and finally clauses make a sentence.

Example: when the teacher come into the class room the students remain silent
Here ‘when the teacher come into the classroom student remain silent’. It is a complete sentence. ‘when the teacher coming to the classroom’ and ‘students remain silent’ are the two clauses. ‘When the teacher’, ‘come into’, ‘the classroom’, ‘the students’ and ‘remain silent’ are the phrases. ‘When’, ‘the’, ‘teacher’, ‘come’, ‘into’, ‘the’, ‘room’, ‘the’, ‘students’, ‘remain’, ‘silent’ are the word.

Type of sentence

We can divided sentence mainly I two type : functional and structural
The functional division of sentence are :

Assertive: the sentence like this make a statement and end with full stop (.).
Example: they are playing

Interrogative: this kind sentence carries question and end with the note of interrogation(?).
Example: what are you doing here?

Imperative: this type of sentence contain oder, request, advice etc and end with full stop(.).
Example: opened the door.

Optative : this kind of sentence consist the prayer, blessings etc. And end with full stop(.).
Example: may God bless you.

Exclamatory: it express emotion like surprise, sorrow, joy etc. And end with note of exclamatory
Example: alash! He has been died.

The structural division of sentence

Simple sentence: it only contain one subject and a finite verb .
Example: he ete Berry.

Complex sentence: it contains with main clause and one or more subordinate clause.
Example: if you don’t do the work, you will die

Compound sentence: here two main cla9 are joined with Lineker. Linker or conjunction make the bond between two main clause
Example : he will come but don’t drink wine.

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