Girls Name List Hindu Modern

2025 Girls name list hindu modern, girls name list hindu modern a to z Letter Starting, girls name list hindu modern and with meaning.


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Girls Name List Hindu Modern

Below is a list of Hindu modern girl names for 2025, a list of Hindu modern girl names starting with letters a to z, a list of Hindu modern girl names with meanings.

A Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings
AmiyaDelightful or attractive
AsthikaSomeone who has faith in god
AadhiraA quick change
AnahitaSomeone very gracious
AdhitriSomeone of great honor
AnugaSomeone for a company
AarnaGoddess Lakshmi’s name

B Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Brishti- Creation of the Universe


Barkha- Rain

Bindiya-A point

Bhavya-Name of goddess Parvathy

Bharavi-Tulsi plant

Bhawna- Emotions

Bhavini-A beautiful lady


Bina- Musical instrument

C Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Charmi- A lovely girl

Charu- Pure

Chahak-An attractive person

Chandrea- Name of goddess

Chandrima- The moon


Chhavi- Radiance

Charuni-Derived from Charuni


Chitrangi- A charming body

D Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Dayita-Loved one

Deeva- A divine person

Devahuti- Manu’s daughter

Devika- Goddess

Dhita- Daughter

Dhyana- Meditation

Dhithi- A beautiful thought

Darshi- Blessings

Daksha- Honest

Dhriti- Determination

E Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Esha- One who is pure

Eshani- Fulfilling one’s desire

Eshanya- East

Etasha- Shining beauty

Eshika- Arrow

Ekta- Unity


Eshma- Lucky girl

Ethaha- Shining

Emi- A beautiful blessing in Japanese

F Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Falak- Sky

Feba- As source of light

Fritha- Loved one




Fida- Redemption

Falguni- The night of full moon

Fulki- A spark

Fullara- kalketu’s wife

G Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Ganavi- Righteous girl

Gathika- A river

Gaya- Humble

Githika- A sweet song

Grihitha- The one who accepts

Giyanna- to give life

Gayana- One who has a sweet voice


Gandhara- Fragrance

Ganeessa- Goddess of wisdom

H Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Hanithra- A beautiful night

Hanshi- A beautiful swan

Heer- Diamond

Hrishita- Cheerful

Hradha- Lake

Harvi- worthy for battle


Hamlata- A pure person by heart

Hanima- A wave

Hanita- Divine Grace

I Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Ihita – Beauty of Earth

Ikshana- Beautiful scenery

Inaaya- One who is compassionate

Irya- Powerful

Ishaanvi- Goddess Saraswathi


Iraj- Lord Hanuman


Ilakiya- Skilled

Indira-Goddess lakshmi

J Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Jaanvi- Another name of gangadevi

Jaahnavi- River ganga

Jayani- Ganesha’s Shakthi

Jennet- Sent from heaven

Jagyi- Princess

Jaitashree- Raga of indian music

Jeia- Sweet heart

Jenika- Gracious gift of God

Jaagrithi- It means to arouse, awaken

Jaipriya- Beloved of victory

K Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Kaashvi- Shining bright

Kani- Fruitful

Kavini- A beautiful poem


Kshiti- Earth

Kamika- The desired one

Kanika- beautiful women

Kanisha- One who has a glowing eyes

Kahini- Young

Kalynda- Of the sun

L Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Laasya- Dance

Lavani- Gracious

Lavina- Purity

Lakshita- One who is very unique

Laya- Rhythm of Indian music

Laghuvi- Tender

Laharika- THe waves of ocean

Laina- First Ray of sun

Lakshana- It means unique or distinguished

Lalima-Morning red in the sky

M Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Mahika- Nature

Mahi- Union of earth and heaven

Manvi- A girl with humanity

Meher- One who is kind

Madhira-Young women

Maanavika- A beautiful young girl

Manhitha- A conversation with god

Madhavilatha- A flowering creeper

Madhuja- Made of honey

N Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Nabhanya- Spring from the heaven

Navita- Something new

Neana- one with beautiful eyes

Nabhitha- A fearless woman

Nadhiya- Like a river

Nahar- The day

Naidhrua- Name of goddess parvathy

Nakula- Goddess parvati



O Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Omna- Worshiper of Shiva

Omysha- Goddess of birth and death

Oorja- Energy

Ooviya- Artistic Person

Oyshe- Divine


Owshika-A great Achiever


Ojasvi- Bright

Omaja-Result of spiritual unity

P Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Paridhi- In a realm


Parthivi- Seeta

Paavana- Holy

Paavni- Whose touch makes everything pure

Pahel- To Start something

Parina- A fairy

Parisha- Beautiful

Pallavi- With new leaves

Pari- Content

Q Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Qahira- One who always win

R Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Reva-Narmada dress

Ruhi- one with higher values

Raahini- Related to Goddess Saraswathi

Raasya- The essence

Rayini- Another name of goddess Saraswathi

Rabhya- Someone who is worshiped

Radnya- King’s daughter

Raemaha- Rays of sunlight


Ryna- Queen

S Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Sanija- A born gift

Sanjoli- Twilight

Sanea- A moment that is preserved

Sachee- Beloved


Sadhvi-Religious woman

Sagnika- Born in a sea

Saaman- God


Simran-One who meditates

T Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Tanvi- Delicate

Tapti- Daughter of son

Trikaya- Like trimurti

Taamasi- Beautiful Night

Taanusiya- A great devotee

Taarika- A star

Taksha- Daughter of KIng Bharath

Thuza- Bright-faced like an angel


Tamana- Desired

U Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Urvi- Heaven and earth

Udvita- River of lotuses

Ujesha- Conquering

Ujjaini- Ancient city

Umika- Goddess Parvathy

Udaya- Dawn

Udita-One who has risen

Ujwala-A bright faced angel

Uditi- the rising sun

V Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings

Vanca- Desire

Vethali- Goddess Durga

Vaiga- Goddess Parvathy

Vaidurya- A gem

Vaishvi- devotee of Lord Vishnu

Vamnayi- Goddess of speech

Vamsee- Flute of lord Krishna

Vagesri – One who is divine and powerful

Vaani-Full of energy

Vaasanti- Spring

W Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings
WaryaA graceful lady with a sweet smile
WibhaOne who shines with beauty and light
WiswaUniversal, belonging to all
WenikaHoly or sacred
WritikaA woman of soft nature, full of kindness
WarihaLovely, elegant
WatsalaFull of love and affection

Y Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings
YuvikaYoung woman
YashwanthiOne with fame
YadithaLong night
YonitaA bird
YoushaYoung girl

Z Letter Starting Girls Name List Hindu Modern and With Meanings

Modern Girls NameMeanings
ZanishaOne who rules human
ZaitarGod’s gift
ZohraLove, beautiful
ZindhuPeace of world
ZantraHigh point
ZarnaWater stream

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