Hindu families often prefer to choose Receptive Hindu boy names starting with V, which has a deeper meaning. Naming a baby is very important. and meaningful work that reflects tradition, culture, and family values.
We notice that Hindu families often prefer to choose Receptive Hindu hindu boy names starting with V. Hindu boy’s names starting with V have deep meanings. So we listed all the Hindu boys’ names with V. We hope you find a favorite name for your baby.
List of Receptive 3000 Hindu Boy Names Starting with V with MeaningBest, Funny, Good, Rare, Unique, Modern, Powerful, Latest, Popular, Indian, New, Baby, Cool, Stylish, Traditional, Most, Top, Good, Ancient, Beautiful, Cute, Common, Strong, Uncommon, Classic, Old Fashioned, Hot, Top, Badass, Legendary, Frat, Short, Unusual, Twin hindu boy names Starting With V
Best Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaachaspati Lord of speech Vaikartan Name of karna Vajranath One who is the Lord of the clouds; Another name of Lord Indra Vaman Fifth incarnation of Lord Vishnu Varij Resembling the lotus Vasudev Refers to Lord Krishna Vedatmane Spirit of the vedas Velan Lord shiva’s son Viamrsh Lord shiva Vidwans One who is highly intellectual Vijeesh One who leads to victory; Another name of Lord Shiva Vilas Play
Funny Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaageesh Lord of speech Vaikhan Lord vishnu Vajrapaani Holder of rocks Vamaneshwar God of the Sky; Another name of Lord Vishnu Varil Water, Faithful Vasudevan Father of Lord Krishna Vedavrata Vow of the Vedas Velraj One who is supreme Vibhaakar The moon Vidyaaranya Forest of learning Vijendra Victorious Vilasin Shining , beaming , radiant
Good Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaakpati Great orator Vaikundanathan A mighty conqueror Vajrapani Lord Indra Vamsidhar Lord krishna Varin Gifts Vasuman Son born of fire Vedavyasa Vedic saint; wisdom of Vedas Velu Short for Velayudhan, another name of Lord Murugan Vibhaavasu The sun Vidyacharan Learned Vijendran Blessed with success Villavan Valiant and fearless
Rare Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaalmeeki An ancient saint Vaikundavasan One who is crowned leader ;Another name of Lord Vishnu Vajrapathi One who is the king of kings; Another name of Lord Indra Vanraaj Ruler of the foreset, the lion Varindra Lord of the sea Vasumat Lord krishna Vedbhushan One adorned with knowledge of the vedas Veluchami Provider; Another name of Lord Muruga Vibhas Decoration, Light Vidyadhar Learned Vijeta Victorious Vilochan The eye
Unique Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaaman Name of vishnu Vaikunth Heaven Vajrashri One who shines like diamond Vanabihari Lord krishna Varish Lord vishnu Vasumitra An ancient name Vedesh Lord of vedas Veluppillai Another name of Lord Muruga’s son Vibhat Dawn Vidyakar Born wise; full of wisdom Vijigeesh Desire of victory Vilohit Lord shiva
Modern Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaamdev Name of a shiva Vaikunthnath Master of heavens Vajratik An excellent being; like a diamond Vanad Cloud Varisth One who excels in everything Vasupati Rich man Vedeshwar Wisdom of the Vedas Velusamy Wise; Another name of Lord Murugan Vibhavasu The sun, fire Vidyaranya Forest of knowledge Vijna Knowledgeable and enlightened being Vilok To see
Powerful Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaanee Speech Vainavin Lord shiva Vajratulya One who is like a diamond; an angel Vanadev Lord of the forest Varisu One who excels Vasur Precious Vedhapani One who is the Lord of the universe; Another name of Brahma Vemana A wise man; saint Vibhishan A character from the epic Ramayana Vidyasagar Ocean of learning Vijul A silk cotton tree Viloka To see
Latest Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaarshaney Lord vishnu Vairaj Spiritual glory Vajrendra Muscular and well-built; Another name of Lord Indra Vanajit King of the forest Variya The excellent one Vasuroop Lord shiva Vedhish One who knows all; Another name of Lord Brahma Ven Kind-hearted and caring; Another name of Lord Venkateshwara Vibhor Ecstatic Vidyot A flash of light Vijval Intelligent Vilokan Gaze
Popular Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaarush One who is destined to win Vairaja Son of virat Vajresh One who is limitless; Another name of Lord Krishna or Lord Indra Vanamalin Lord krishna Variyas Lord shiva Vasusen Original name of karna Vedmohan Lord Krishna Venavin Divine grace; Another name of Lord Shiva Vibhu All pervading Vidyut Lightning Vikaas Progress Vimahat Powerful and exceptional being
Indian Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaasavadatta A name in sanskrit classics Vairamani One who is the ruler of destiny; Another name of Lord Shiva Vajreswar A mighty conquerer; Another name of Lord Indra Vandan Saved Varki Ubiquitious; Lord of the universe Vatatmaj Lord hanuman Vedoday Bright like the sun Venavir Lord shiva’s son Vibhumat Lord krishna Vighnahara Protector of the universe; Another name of Lord Ganesha Vikarnan Son of dhritrashtra Vimal Unblemished, One who is clean, Pure
New Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaasu One who provides shelter;Another name of Lord Vishnu Vairat One who is the ruler of destiny; Another name of Lord Shiva Vajri Strong armed; Another name of Lord Indra Vanhi Fire Varma Fruitful Vatradhara Practising penance, lord rama Vedomohan Happiness; Another name of Lord Krishna Vendhan One who is the Leading light Vibhusnu Lord shiva Vighnajit Lord ganesh Vikas Progress Vimaladitya Clean sun
Cool Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaasudeva A divine light; Another name of Lord Vishnu Vairinchya Lord brahma’s son Vajrin Lord indra Vanij Lord shiva Varman One who is the leader;Another name of Lord Vishnu Vatsa Our beloved son Vedprakash Light of the Vedas Vendhu The leading light of the world Vibhut Strong Vighnaraaj An epithet of ganesha Vikasa A bright and glittering soul Vimalanathan Pure and clean being; Another name of Lord Vishnu
Baby Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaasuki A celestial cobra Vairochan An ancient name Vak A precious gift;like a diamond Vaninadh Husband of saraswati Varshesh Another name of Lord Indra;One who rains blessings Vatsal One who is affectionate Vedraj Lord Of All Vedas Vendra One who is powerful Vibodh Wise Vighnarajendra One who destroys all evils Vikash Development Vimalmani Pure jewel (crystal)
Stylish Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaatsyaayan An author of old times Vaisaka A season Vakrabhuj Lord ganesh Vaninath Husband of saraswati Varshwar Grantor of all wishes; Another name of Lord Shiva Vatsapal Lord krishna Vedswaup Form of knowledge Vengai Valiant and strong Vibol One who has great wisdom Vighnesh Lord Ganesh Vikasith To prosper or to succeed Vimochan Pure; Provider of all blessings; Another name of Lord Shiva
Traditional Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaayu Wind Vaishant Quiet and shining star Vakratund An epithet of ganesha Vanmaalee An epithet of krishna Vartanu Beautiful Vatsar A year Veejay Talkative Veni Lord Krishna Vichear One who had wisdom Vighneshwar Lord Ganesh Vikat Of the monstrous figure. lord ganesha Vimridh Lord indra
Most Popular Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vachan Speech Vaishnav The devotee of lord vishnu Vakruthi One who is good natured; Another name of Lord Vishnu Vanraaj One who rules the jungle; a potential leader Varthaman One who lives in the present; Another name of Lord Shiva Vatsin Lord vishnu Veekshan One who is full of wisdom Venimadhav Lord Krishna Vidarbh Ancient name of a state Vigneshwara One who reigns Viken One who conquers and excels in everything Vimukhti Vimukhti means emancipation
Top Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vachanpreet One who holds onto promises; A true and noble being Vaishvanar One who is boundless and ubiquitous Vaksharaj King of the universe; Another name of Lord Indra Vansh Coming generation of father Varun Water lord, Excellent Vaydeesh God of the vedas Veenod Disciplined and respectful Venkadan Provider of blessings Videh Without form Vigrah Lord shiva Vikern Errorless Vinaayak Remover of obstacles
Ancient Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vachaspati A learned man, The lord of speech Vaishwaanar Omnipresent Vaktrendru A bright-faced; shining light Vansheedhar Flute player Varunesh Lord of water Vayujat Lord hanuman Veer Brave Venkat God, Godlike, From the sacred hill Vidhatru Lord shiva Vihaan Morning; dawn Vikesh The moon Vinahast Lord shiva
Beautiful Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vachasya One who is a good orator Vaishwanar One who is boundless and ubiquitous Vakul One who is wise; Another name of Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva Vansidhar Lord krishna Varuta A guardian angel Vayun Lively Veeraganapati Supreme power; Another name of Lord Ganesh Venkata A generous soul; Another name of Lord Venkateswara Vidhesh Lord shiva Vihang A bird Vikram Valour Vinamr Humble
Cute Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vadamalaiyan One who destroys evil; Another name of Lord Hanuman Vaitheeswaran Lord of the universe; Another name of Lord Brahma Valaak A crane Varaah An epithet of vishnu Vasant Brings spring Vayunand Lord hanuman Veeral Unparalleled and precious Venkatadri One who is kind; Another name of Lord Venkateswara Vidhu Lord vishnu Vihanga Bird Vikramaditya A famous king Vinand Exuberant spirit; Delight and happiness
Common Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vadin Speaks well Vaithi Source of all avatars; origin of earth; Another name of Lord Vishnu Valasak Stunning; good-looking Varaahamihir An ancient astronomer Vasantamaalika Garland of spring Vayya Friend Veeran Valiant and fearless Venkatakrishna Blessed Lord Vidhyadeep A wise man; Another name of Lord Shiva Vihar One who is infinite;Another name of Lord Shiva Vikramajit A famous king Vinay Good manners, Modesty
Strong Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vadish Lord of the body Vaiwaswat One of the saints Valgu Attractive and good-looking Varad From the fortress vasav An epithet of indra Vea Chief Veerapandi Valiant and fearless Venkataramananandan A name for lord vishnu Vidhyadhar Learned Vihari Lord krishna Vikramendra King of prowess Vinayagam Blessed soul; Another name of Lord Ganesh
Uncommon Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vadivel A holy and precious one; One of the names of Lord Murugan Vaj Born with supreme strength Valin Tenacious Varadaraaj Another name of vishnu Vasava Refers to Indra Ved Holy text Veerappan Valiant and fearless Venkatasudeer Like a King; Another name of Lord Venkateswara Vidip Bright Vijay Winning Vikramin Lord vishnu Vinayak Lord Ganesh
Classic Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vagindra Lord of speech Vajasani Lord vishnu’s son Vallabh One who is dearly loved Varadraj Lord vishnu Vasavaj Son of indra Vedvyaas Name of a saint Veerbhadra The ashwamedha horse Venkatesan Anointed one; Another name of Lord Venkatesha and Lord Krishna Vidipt A bright-faced angel Vijayam To succeed; Triumph Vikramjeet One who is brave and victorious Vinayaka Anointed one; Destroyer of all evils; Another name of Lord Ganesha
Old Fashioned Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vagish Another name for Brahma Vajraang Diamond bodied Vallavan A strong and mighty warrior Vardham One who is kind; Another name Of Lord Mahavir and Buddha Vasdev God of entire being; The name was also given to the father Of Lord Krishna Vedakumbh Lord Of The Vedas Veerendra Lord of courageous men Venkatesh Name of god vishnu Vidojas Lord indra Vijayank Sign of victory Vikrant A warrior;One who is all powerful Vinaybeer One who is brave and modest
Hot Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vagishan Lord of the mountains; Another name Of Lord Shiva Vajrabaahu One with strong arms Vallinathan One who provides guidance; Another name of Lord Muruga Vardhaman Lord Mahavir Vaseekaran A nice-looking individual Vedamohan Lord krishna Veeresh Brave and courageous; leader of the warriors Venkatesha Anointed one; Another name of Lord venkateswara Vidur A friend of Lord Krishna Vijayant Victor Vikranta Brave Vinduman One who has great intellect
Top Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vahin Lord shiva Vajrabha One who glitters like diamond Valluvan One who excels in everything Vardhan Lord shiva Vashanth A new bright beginning Vedang From the vedas Veerjot Macho and fearless Venkateswara Name of lord venkateswara Viduraj Enlightened and clever being Vijayaraj Success;Win;Triumph Viksar Lord vishnu Vineet A modest man, Unassuming
Badass Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaibhav One who is wealthy, Riches Vajradhar Lord Indra Valmik The author of the epic Ramayana Varen Rain god Varun Vashiq One who is superior Vedanga Meaning of Vedas Veernish Daring and courageous Venki Lord of the universe Vidush Clever and full of wisdom Vijayarathna Significant among victorious Vikshar One who progress at the speed of light; Alternate name of Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna Vinesh Godly
Legendary Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaibudh One who is like divine; Belonging to the Gods Vajrajit Lord Indra Valmiki The author of the epic Ramayana Varendra Ocean Vashisht One who is the master of all creation;distinguished Vedant Ultimate Wisdom; one who is blessed with vedic knowledge Veerottam Supreme amongst braves. Venkitusamy Lord of all souls; Another name of Lord Vekateshwara Vidvan A learned man Vijayasaradhi One who leads to victory; Another name of Lord Krishna Viksit To blossom and to flourish Vinetra One who is the leading light
Frat Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaidyanaath Master of medicines Vajrahast Lord shiva Vam An extraordinary and inspiring being Varesh God is superior Vasin Rules all Vedanth One who knows vedas in depth Veeru A brave person Character Venktesh Wisdom of the Lord of the universe Vidvatam Lord shiva Vijayendra Victorious Vikunth Lord vishnu Vinil Blue
Short Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaijayi Victor Vajrakaya Sturdy like metal, lord hanuman Vamadatt Blessing of Lord Shiva Vareshvar Lord shiva Vasisht Maharshi Vedaprakash Light of the knowledge Vegh Muscular and robust Venu Flute Vidvatar Sage and clever being Vijayesh Lord shiva Vikyaath Famous Viniray Champion; One who is triumphant
Unusual Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaijeenath King of life and death; Another name of Lord Siva Vajramani Diamond Vamadev Lord shiva Varid Cloud Vasistha Name of a sage Vedati One who spreads knowledge Veha One who has no limits Veydant Sum of the vedas Vidvath One who is highly intellectual Vijayin A mighty conqueror Vilaas Entertainment Vinishchal Strong and fearless
Twin Hindu Boy Names Starting With VName Meaning Vaijnath Refers to Lord Shiva Vajranandha One who is loveable ;Another name of Lord Krishna Vamadeva One who is the God of the universe Varidhvaran Colour of the cloud Vasu Rich boy, One who is bright, An excellent man Vedatman Lord vishnu Vehzat Blessed birth Viaan The name means full of life and energy Vidwan One who has great insight and wisdom Vijayketu Flag of victory Vilakshn Supreme leader; Another name of Lord Vishnu Vinnu A high spirited soul
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