Essential Receptive 3000 Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

Hindu families often prefer to choose Receptive Hindu boy names starting with V, which has a deeper meaning. Naming a baby is very important. and meaningful work that reflects tradition, culture, and family values.

We notice that Hindu families often prefer to choose Receptive Hindu hindu boy names starting with V. Hindu boy’s names starting with V have deep meanings. So we listed all the Hindu boys’ names with V. We hope you find a favorite name for your baby.

List of Receptive 3000 Hindu Boy Names Starting with V with Meaning

Best, Funny, Good, Rare, Unique, Modern, Powerful, Latest, Popular, Indian, New, Baby, Cool, Stylish, Traditional, Most, Top, Good, Ancient, Beautiful, Cute, Common, Strong, Uncommon, Classic, Old Fashioned, Hot, Top, Badass, Legendary, Frat, Short, Unusual, Twin hindu boy names Starting With V

Best Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaachaspatiLord of speech
VaikartanName of karna
VajranathOne who is the Lord of the clouds; Another name of Lord Indra
VamanFifth incarnation of Lord Vishnu
VarijResembling the lotus
VasudevRefers to Lord Krishna
VedatmaneSpirit of the vedas
VelanLord shiva’s son
ViamrshLord shiva
VidwansOne who is highly intellectual
VijeeshOne who leads to victory; Another name of  Lord Shiva

Funny Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaageeshLord of speech
VaikhanLord vishnu
VajrapaaniHolder of rocks
VamaneshwarGod of the Sky; Another name of Lord Vishnu
VarilWater, Faithful
VasudevanFather of Lord Krishna
VedavrataVow of the Vedas
VelrajOne who is supreme
VibhaakarThe moon
VidyaaranyaForest of learning
VilasinShining , beaming , radiant

Good Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaakpatiGreat orator
VaikundanathanA mighty conqueror
VajrapaniLord Indra
VamsidharLord krishna
VasumanSon born of fire
VedavyasaVedic saint; wisdom of Vedas
VeluShort for Velayudhan, another name of Lord Murugan
VibhaavasuThe sun
VijendranBlessed with success
VillavanValiant and fearless

Rare Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaalmeekiAn ancient saint
VaikundavasanOne who is crowned leader ;Another name of Lord Vishnu
VajrapathiOne who is the king of kings; Another name of Lord Indra
VanraajRuler of the foreset, the lion
VarindraLord of the sea
VasumatLord krishna
VedbhushanOne adorned with knowledge of the vedas
VeluchamiProvider; Another name of Lord Muruga
VibhasDecoration, Light
VilochanThe eye

Unique Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaamanName of vishnu
VajrashriOne who shines like diamond
VanabihariLord krishna
VarishLord vishnu
VasumitraAn ancient name
VedeshLord of vedas
VeluppillaiAnother name of  Lord Muruga’s son
VidyakarBorn wise; full of wisdom
VijigeeshDesire of victory
VilohitLord shiva

Modern Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaamdevName of a shiva
VaikunthnathMaster of heavens
VajratikAn excellent being; like a diamond
VaristhOne who excels in everything
VasupatiRich man
VedeshwarWisdom of the Vedas
VelusamyWise; Another name of Lord Murugan
VibhavasuThe sun, fire
VidyaranyaForest of knowledge
VijnaKnowledgeable and enlightened being
VilokTo see

Powerful Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VainavinLord shiva
VajratulyaOne who is like a diamond; an angel
VanadevLord of the forest
VarisuOne who excels
VedhapaniOne who is the Lord of the universe; Another name of Brahma
VemanaA wise man; saint
VibhishanA character from the epic Ramayana
VidyasagarOcean of learning
VijulA silk cotton tree
VilokaTo see

Latest Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaarshaneyLord vishnu
VairajSpiritual glory
VajrendraMuscular and well-built; Another name of Lord Indra
VanajitKing of the forest
VariyaThe excellent one
VasuroopLord shiva
VedhishOne who knows all; Another name of Lord Brahma
VenKind-hearted and caring; Another name of Lord Venkateshwara
VidyotA flash of light

Popular Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaarushOne who is destined to win
VairajaSon of virat
VajreshOne who is limitless; Another name of Lord Krishna or Lord Indra
VanamalinLord krishna
VariyasLord shiva
VasusenOriginal name of karna
VedmohanLord Krishna
VenavinDivine grace; Another name of Lord Shiva
VibhuAll pervading
VimahatPowerful and exceptional being

Indian Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaasavadattaA name in sanskrit classics
VairamaniOne who is the ruler of destiny; Another name of Lord Shiva
VajreswarA mighty conquerer; Another name of Lord Indra
VarkiUbiquitious; Lord of the universe
VatatmajLord hanuman
VedodayBright  like the sun
VenavirLord shiva’s son
VibhumatLord krishna
VighnaharaProtector of the universe; Another name of Lord Ganesha
VikarnanSon of dhritrashtra
VimalUnblemished, One who is clean, Pure

New Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaasuOne who provides shelter;Another name of Lord Vishnu
VairatOne who is the ruler of destiny; Another name of Lord Shiva
VajriStrong armed; Another name of Lord Indra
VatradharaPractising penance, lord rama
VedomohanHappiness; Another name of Lord Krishna
VendhanOne who is the Leading light
VibhusnuLord shiva
VighnajitLord ganesh
VimaladityaClean sun

Cool Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaasudevaA divine light; Another name of Lord Vishnu
VairinchyaLord brahma’s son
VajrinLord indra
VanijLord shiva
VarmanOne who is the leader;Another name of Lord Vishnu
VatsaOur beloved son
VedprakashLight of the Vedas
VendhuThe leading light of the world
VighnaraajAn epithet of ganesha
VikasaA bright and glittering soul
VimalanathanPure and clean being; Another name of Lord Vishnu

Baby Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaasukiA celestial cobra
VairochanAn ancient name
VakA precious gift;like a diamond
VaninadhHusband of saraswati
VarsheshAnother name of Lord Indra;One who rains blessings
VatsalOne who is affectionate
VedrajLord Of All Vedas
VendraOne who is powerful
VighnarajendraOne who destroys all evils
VimalmaniPure jewel (crystal)

Stylish Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaatsyaayanAn author of old times
VaisakaA season
VakrabhujLord ganesh
VaninathHusband of saraswati
VarshwarGrantor of all wishes; Another name of Lord Shiva
VatsapalLord krishna
VedswaupForm of knowledge
VengaiValiant and strong
VibolOne who has great wisdom
VighneshLord Ganesh
VikasithTo prosper or to succeed
VimochanPure; Provider of all blessings; Another name of Lord Shiva

Traditional Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaishantQuiet and shining star
VakratundAn epithet of ganesha
VanmaaleeAn epithet of krishna
VatsarA year
VeniLord Krishna
VichearOne who had wisdom
VighneshwarLord Ganesh
VikatOf the monstrous figure. lord ganesha
VimridhLord indra

Most Popular Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaishnavThe devotee of lord vishnu
VakruthiOne who is good natured; Another name of Lord Vishnu
VanraajOne who rules the jungle; a potential leader
VarthamanOne who lives in the present; Another name of Lord Shiva
VatsinLord vishnu
VeekshanOne who is full of wisdom
VenimadhavLord Krishna
VidarbhAncient name of a state
VigneshwaraOne who reigns
VikenOne who conquers and excels in everything
VimukhtiVimukhti means emancipation

Top Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VachanpreetOne who holds onto promises; A true and noble being
VaishvanarOne who is boundless and ubiquitous
VaksharajKing of the universe; Another name of Lord Indra
VanshComing generation of father
VarunWater lord, Excellent
VaydeeshGod of the vedas
VeenodDisciplined and respectful
VenkadanProvider of blessings
VidehWithout form
VigrahLord shiva
VinaayakRemover of obstacles

Ancient Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VachaspatiA learned man, The lord of speech
VaktrendruA bright-faced; shining light
VansheedharFlute player
VaruneshLord of water
VayujatLord hanuman
VenkatGod, Godlike, From the sacred hill
VidhatruLord shiva
VihaanMorning; dawn
VikeshThe moon
VinahastLord shiva

Beautiful Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VachasyaOne who is a good orator 
VaishwanarOne who is boundless and ubiquitous
VakulOne who is wise; Another name of Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva
VansidharLord krishna
VarutaA guardian angel
VeeraganapatiSupreme power; Another name of  Lord Ganesh
VenkataA generous soul; Another name of Lord Venkateswara
VidheshLord shiva
VihangA bird

Cute Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VadamalaiyanOne who destroys evil; Another name of Lord Hanuman
VaitheeswaranLord of the universe; Another name of Lord Brahma
ValaakA crane
VaraahAn epithet of vishnu
VasantBrings spring
VayunandLord hanuman
VeeralUnparalleled and precious
VenkatadriOne who is kind; Another name of Lord Venkateswara
VidhuLord vishnu
VikramadityaA famous king
VinandExuberant spirit; Delight and happiness

Common Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VadinSpeaks well
VaithiSource of all avatars; origin of earth; Another name of Lord Vishnu
ValasakStunning; good-looking 
VaraahamihirAn ancient astronomer
VasantamaalikaGarland of spring
VeeranValiant and fearless
VenkatakrishnaBlessed Lord
VidhyadeepA wise man; Another name of Lord Shiva
ViharOne who is infinite;Another name of  Lord Shiva
VikramajitA famous king
VinayGood manners, Modesty

Strong Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VadishLord of the body
VaiwaswatOne of the saints
ValguAttractive and good-looking
VaradFrom the fortress
vasavAn epithet of indra
VeerapandiValiant and fearless
VenkataramananandanA name for lord vishnu
VihariLord krishna
VikramendraKing of prowess
VinayagamBlessed soul; Another name of Lord Ganesh

Uncommon Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VadivelA holy and precious one; One of the names of Lord Murugan
VajBorn with supreme strength
VaradaraajAnother name of vishnu
VasavaRefers to Indra
VedHoly text
VeerappanValiant and fearless
VenkatasudeerLike a King; Another name of Lord Venkateswara
VikraminLord vishnu
VinayakLord Ganesh

Classic Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VagindraLord of speech
VajasaniLord vishnu’s son
VallabhOne who is dearly loved
VaradrajLord vishnu
VasavajSon of indra
VedvyaasName of a saint
VeerbhadraThe ashwamedha horse
VenkatesanAnointed one; Another name of Lord Venkatesha and Lord Krishna
VidiptA bright-faced angel
VijayamTo succeed; Triumph
VikramjeetOne who is brave and victorious
VinayakaAnointed one; Destroyer of all evils; Another name of Lord Ganesha

Old Fashioned Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VagishAnother name for Brahma
VajraangDiamond bodied
VallavanA strong and mighty warrior
VardhamOne who is kind; Another name Of  Lord Mahavir and Buddha
VasdevGod of entire being; The name was also given to the father Of Lord Krishna
VedakumbhLord Of The Vedas
VeerendraLord of courageous men
VenkateshName of god vishnu
VidojasLord indra
VijayankSign of victory
VikrantA warrior;One who is all powerful
VinaybeerOne who is brave and modest

Hot Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VagishanLord of the mountains; Another name Of Lord Shiva
VajrabaahuOne with strong arms
VallinathanOne who provides guidance; Another name of Lord Muruga
VardhamanLord Mahavir
VaseekaranA nice-looking individual
VedamohanLord krishna
VeereshBrave and courageous; leader of the warriors
VenkateshaAnointed one; Another name of  Lord venkateswara
VidurA friend of Lord Krishna
VindumanOne who has great intellect

Top Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VahinLord shiva
VajrabhaOne who glitters like diamond
ValluvanOne who excels in everything
VardhanLord shiva
VashanthA new bright beginning
VedangFrom the vedas
VeerjotMacho and fearless
VenkateswaraName of lord venkateswara
VidurajEnlightened and clever being
ViksarLord vishnu
VineetA modest man, Unassuming

Badass Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaibhavOne who is wealthy, Riches
VajradharLord Indra
ValmikThe author of the epic Ramayana
VarenRain god Varun
VashiqOne who is superior
VedangaMeaning of Vedas
VeernishDaring and courageous
VenkiLord of the universe
VidushClever and full of wisdom
VijayarathnaSignificant among victorious
ViksharOne who progress at the speed of light; Alternate name of Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna

Legendary Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaibudhOne who is like divine; Belonging to the Gods
VajrajitLord Indra
ValmikiThe author of the epic Ramayana
VashishtOne who is the master of all creation;distinguished
VedantUltimate Wisdom; one who is blessed with vedic knowledge
VeerottamSupreme amongst braves.
VenkitusamyLord of all souls; Another name of Lord Vekateshwara
VidvanA learned man
VijayasaradhiOne who leads to victory; Another name of Lord Krishna
ViksitTo blossom and  to flourish
VinetraOne who is the leading light

Frat Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaidyanaathMaster of medicines
VajrahastLord shiva
VamAn extraordinary and inspiring being
VareshGod is superior
VasinRules all
VedanthOne who knows vedas in depth
VeeruA brave person Character
VenkteshWisdom of the Lord of the universe
VidvatamLord shiva
VikunthLord vishnu

Short Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VajrakayaSturdy like metal, lord hanuman
VamadattBlessing of  Lord Shiva
VareshvarLord shiva
VedaprakashLight of the knowledge
VeghMuscular and robust
VidvatarSage and clever being
VijayeshLord shiva
VinirayChampion; One who is triumphant

Unusual Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaijeenathKing of life and death; Another name of Lord Siva
VamadevLord shiva
VasisthaName of a sage
VedatiOne who spreads knowledge
VehaOne who has no limits
VeydantSum of the vedas
VidvathOne who is highly intellectual
VijayinA mighty conqueror
VinishchalStrong and fearless

Twin Hindu Boy Names Starting With V

VaijnathRefers to Lord Shiva
VajranandhaOne who is loveable ;Another name of Lord Krishna
VamadevaOne who is the God of the universe
VaridhvaranColour of the cloud
VasuRich boy, One who is bright, An excellent man
VedatmanLord vishnu
VehzatBlessed birth
ViaanThe name means full of life and energy
VidwanOne who has great insight and wisdom
VijayketuFlag of victory
VilakshnSupreme leader; Another name of Lord Vishnu
VinnuA high spirited soul

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