2025 NTA UGC Net History Online Mock Test 34 held in India: 25 multiple-question answers from the history topic of the UGC NET Exam are given below.
NTA UGC Net History Online Mock Test 34
1. The edicts of Asoka which reveal his inner sorrow on account of war and violence are:
- (a) Dhauli and Jaugada
- (b) Shahbazgarhi and Sopara
- (c) Maski and Bhabra
- (d) Mansehra and Girnar
2. Asoka himself considered his policy of dhamma as:
- (a) The essence of original Buddhism as preached by the Buddha
- (b) A way of life which was both practical and convenient as well as highly moral
- (c) The ideal of virtuous life based on moral teachings of various thinkers
- (d) The essence of all religions or the common religion of mankind
3. Which of the following manifold virtues (bahu-kayane) described in the Asokan edict is most remarkable?
- (a) Kindness and liberality
- (b) Truthfulness, and inner and outer purity
- (c) Gentleness and self-control
- (d) Moderation in spending and saving
4. The key-note of Asoka’s policy of dhamma was:
- (a) Self-control
- (b) Kindness
- (c) Charity
- (d) Moderation
5. Which of the following was the single most important social malady of his times, to eliminate which Asoka expounded his policy of dhamma?
- (a) Growing materialism
- (b) Rigidity of the caste system
- (c) Social tension and sectarian conflicts
- (d) Wasteful ritualism of Brahmanical practices
6. Which of the following has not been enumerated as a sin (asinava) in the Asokan edicts?
- (a) Rage or fury
- (b) Cruelty and anger
- (c) Pride and envy
- (d) Greed and passions
7. In social matters Asoka’s most revolutionary concept was:
- (a) Proper behaviour to slaves, servants, elders etc.
- (b) His opposition to wasteful social rituals and ceremonies at marriages, births, journeys etc.
- (c) His opposition to social entertainments, such as the samajas
- (d) All the above
8. Two essential constituents of Asoka’s dhamma were:
- (a) Doing less sins and more good
- (b) Liberality and non-violence
- (c) Self-control and purity of mind
- (d) Feeling of non-injury and non-violence to all creatures
9. Asoka’s dhamma was basically a/an:
- (a) Social and ethical concept
- (b) Spiritual and religious concept
- (c) Attempt towards social solidarity
- (d) Secular approach to socio-religious problems
10. In which year of Asoka’s coronation did the Kalinga War take place?
- (a) First
- (b) Fifth
- (c) Eighth
- (d) Thirteenth
11. One of the strongest arguments in support of the view that Asoka’s dhamma was not a religious policy but a secular concept is the:
- (a) Appointment of dhamma-mahamattas
- (b) Emphasis laid by him on respect for the elders
- (c) Stress laid on the importance of the family
- (d) Stress on the maintenance of concord with all sects
12. After how many years of his coronation did Asoka make a journey to the Bodhi tree?
- (a) 10
- (b) 15
- (c) 17
- (d) 20
13. Which of the following was not one of the reasons for the failure of dhamma?
- (a) Asoka’s excessive enthusiasm produced a reaction against it
- (b) It failed to provide a solution to the problems which it set out to solve
- (c) It was too vague a solution, because the problems lay at the very roots of the system
- (d) It was too idealistic a concept, which could not break the social and sectarian barriers d
14. To promote communal harmony Asoka asked the people:
- (a) To attend to the essential elements of their religions rather than the non-essential ones
- (b) Not to glorify their own sect and belittle others sect
- (c) To maintain concord (samvaya) with all creeds
- (d) All the above
15. Which of the following statements about the conversion of Asoka to Buddhism is generally believed to be correct?
- (a) It took place as a dramatic event soon after the Kalinga War
- (b) Asoka was never converted to Buddhism; he only borrowed some of its ideas to propound his doctrine of dhamma
- (c) His conversion to Buddhism was a gradual process
- (d) He became a convert to Buddhism under the influence of Upagupta
16. The dhamma mahamattas (dharma mahamatras) appointed by Asoka were entrusted with the job of:
- (a) Checking the abuses in the administration of justice
- (b) The moral uplift of the people through propagation of dhamma
- (c) Management of the welfare activities of the state
- (d) All the above
17. The major contribution of the Third Buddhist Council convened by Asoka was:
- (a) It purged the Buddhist sangha of its dissenters
- (b) At this conference Kathavatthu was compiled by its President Moggaliputta Tissa
- (c) It decided to despatch Buddhist missions to various parts of India and foreign countries
- (d) All the above
18. Which of the following was not one of the contributions of Asoka to Indian polity and culture?
- (a) Political and cultural unification of the country
- (b) Religious toleration and promotion of communal harmony
- (c) A non-aggressive foreign policy based on equality between the big and small states
- (d) Reform in criminal justice and revolutionary changes in the social system
19. In which of the following edicts did Asoka order that “whosoever monk or nun breaks up the Sangha, after being clothed in white garments, shall take up abode in a place other than a monastery”?
- (a) Sarnath Edict
- (b) Kausambi Edict
- (c) Sanchi Edict
- (d) The Queen’s Edict d
20. Which of the following edicts/inscriptions does not belong to the category directed to the sangha?
- (a) Kandahar Inscription
- (b) Bhabra Edict
- (c) Schism Edict
- (d) Nigalisagar Inscription a
21. In spite of his conversion to Buddhism and the concept of dhamma-vijaya, Asoka was not a total pacifist. Which of the following does not confirm this view ?
- (a) He felt sorry for the suffering caused by Kalinga War, but did not give up the conquered territory
- (b) After the conquest of Kalinga, Asoka consolidated his southern conquests
- (c) In dealing with the troublesome forest tribes he clearly recognised the possibility of the use of force
- (d) He did not abolish capital punishment and granted only a brief reprieve to the condemned prisoners
22. Which of the following steps was not taken by Asoka to promote and patronise Buddhism?
- (a) He erected a commemorative pillar at the place where the Buddha was said to have been born
- (b) Lumbini was made free of religious cess and revenue was reduced to only one-eighth share (of the produce)
- (c) He got thousands of dissenter monks expelled from the Asokarama monastery
- (d) He took a great deal of personal interest in the welfare of the monks and the nuns
23. Which of the following is not one of the broad categories into which the edicts issued by Asoka can be divided?
- (a) Public pronouncements meant for his subjects
- (b) Personal epistles directed to the sangha
- (c) Pronouncement explaining the philosophy of Buddhism and its relevance in day-to-day life
- (d) Edicts issued for the propagation of dhamma
24. The family member of Asoka mentioned in his edicts, is:
- (a) His second wife Karuvaki
- (b) His son Tivara
- (c) His wife Asandhamitra
- (d) His daughter Sanghamitra
25. Which of the following does not constitute the doctrinal aspects of Asoka’s dhamma?
- (a) Non-injury (in action, speech, and thought)
- (b) Restraint in behaviour
- (c) Equal treatment to ali
- (d) Fear of sin
1-a, 2-b, 3-d, 4-d, 5-c, 6-d, 7-b, 8-a, 9-a, 10-c, 11-a, 12-a, 13-d, 14-d, 15-c, 16-d, 17-d, 18-d, 19-d, 20-a, 21-b, 22-d, 23-c, 24-a, 25-d