2025 NTA UGC Net History Online Mock Test 27 held in India: 25 multiple-question answers from the history topic of the UGC NET Exam are given below.
NTA UGC Net History Online Mock Test 27
Mock Test Set | 27 |
Question Type | MCQ |
Medium | Online |
Subject | History |
Exam | UGC Net |
Question | 25 |
Marks | 1 |
First Part: NTA UGC Net History Online Mock Test 27
(The answers to mock test 27 are given below)
1. The richest source of the well-known smooth images of the Buddha in black slate and an extensive series of Buddhist bronzes is:
- (a) Kurkihar
- (b) Nalanda
- (c) Tanjore
- (d) Amravati
2. Which of the following constitutes the chief significance of Korean Buddhism?
- (a) The preservation of Mahayana Bud- dhims in its purest form
- (b) The role it played as an intermediary between China and Japan
- (c) The unique synthesis of the orthodox and the Tantric schools of Buddhism
- (d) None of the above
3. Which of the following Buddhist Philosopher is said to have visited Nepal in the fourth century A.D. in order to propagate his own doctrine?
- (a) Acharya Atisha
- (b) Acarya Kamalashila
- (c) Acharya Shantarakshita
- (d) Acharya Vasubandhu
4. Which of the following did for Buddhism in Japan, what King Asoka had done for it in India?
- (a) Prince Shotoku
- (b) Empress Suiko
- (c) Heina
- (d) Kamakura
5. What is the greatest debt owed by the Buddhist world to Sri Lanka?
- (a) The preservation of Buddha’s relics and sacred Bodhi tree
- (b) The preservation of the Pali canon in its entirety
- (c) The development of Buddhism through Simhalese commentaries of Buddhist texts
- (d) The propagation of Buddhism in South- East Asian countries
Second Part: NTA UGC Net History Online Mock Test 27
(The answers to mock test 27 are given below)
6. The Tibetan monarch credited with introduc- tion of Buddhism in Tibet in the Seventh cen- tury A.D. is :
- (a) Sron-btsan-sgam-po
- (b) Opal-hkhov-Btsan
- (c) Mu-nu-btsan-po
- (d) Khvi-ode-srpm-btsan
7. Buddhism (Mahayana School) was first introduced in Japan in the — century A.D. :
- (a) First
- (b) Third
- (c) Seventh
- (d) Eighth
8. Which of the following was not one of the great events in the early history of Buddhism in Sri Lanka which left a deep impression and still evoke pious enthusiasm among millions of its votaries?
- (a) The visit of Mahendra and Sanghamitra
- (b) The transplantation of a branch of the Bodhi tree under which Gautama at-tained Buddhahood
- (c) The bringing of the Buddha’s tooth relic from India
- (d) Introduction of sacred Buddhist scrip- tures and architecture in Sri Lanka
9. Zen Buddhism, introduced in the twelfth cen- tury A.D., found its adherents mainly among the warriors and influenced Japanese culture considerably. The key to enlightenment, according to Zen Buddhism, is :
- (a) Recollection
- (b) Virtuous life
- (c) Meditation
- (d) Piety
10. In which of the following countries of South- East Asia was Mahayana Buddhism not the dominant school?
- (a) Burma
- (b) The Malaya Peninsula
- (c) Champa (Vietnam)
- (d) Tibet
Third Part: NTA UGC Net History Online Mock Test 27
(The answers to mock test 27 are given below)
11. The Buddhists who believed in strict monastic life and rigid disciplinary laws were known as:
- (a) Thera or Sthavira-vadins
- (b) Mahasanghikas
- (c) Vajrayayins
- (d) Sunyavadins
12. Which of the following pairs indicating the contents of the sacred Buddhist Pitakas is not correctly matched?
- (a) Vinaya Pitaka-rules of monastic dis- cipline
- (b) Abhidhamma Pitaka-philosophical development of the Buddha’s teachings
- (c) Sutta Pitaka-Stories of the Buddha’s previous births (Jataka stories)
- (d) Dhammapada – The original sermon of the Buddha of Sarnath
13. What was the purpose of the Chaityas during the early phase of Buddhism?
- (a) They served the purpose of temples
- (b) They were meditation halls
- (c) They were used for religious assemblies and prayers
- (d) They were used for holding social func- tions
14. The Buddhist Stupa of Borobodur, the largest and the only Stupa of its type in the world, was build by the Shailendra kings in:
- (a) Central Java, Indonesia
- (b) Angkorvat, Cambodia
- (c) Rangoon, Burma
- (d) Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
15. The Buddhist Law or Doctrine of karma meant :
- (a) A man reaps what he sows
- (b) Every individual is the maker of his own destiny
- (c) Prayers to a god or gods alone cannot change the destiny of man
- (d) All the above
Fourth Part: NTA UGC Net History Online Mock Test 27
(The answers to mock test 27 are given below)
16. An Indian Buddhist monk, who went to China in the first century A.D. and translated the Buddhist works in the Chinese language was :
- (a) Dharmakirti
- (b) Asanga
- (c) Kashyap Matanga
- (d) Nagarjuna
17. The Vibhashas are three large commentaries of :
- (a) Abhidhamma Pitaka
- (b) Vinaya Pitaka
- (c) All the three Pitakas
- (d) Sutta Pitaka
18. At which of the following places has the earliest example of the Buddhist stupa architecture been found?
- (a) Sanchi
- (b) Sankasya
- (c) Sarnath
- (d) Lumbini
19. The school of Indian art which is known as the Greco-Roman-Buddhist Art, is the — School :
- (a) Mauryan
- (b) Shunga
- (c) (Kushana) Gandhara
- (d) Gupta
20. Which of the following statements correctly describe the difference between a chaitya and a stupa?
- (a) Chaitya is a religious term, while stupa is an architectural term for a mound containing a relic of the Buddha and later on of leading Buddhist saints
- (b) Chaitya is a place of prayers/worship while stupa is a funeral monument
- (c) Chaityas were constructed by the monasteries while stupas were constructed by the kings and the rich merchants
- (d) Chaityas represent Mahayanism and stupas Hinayanism
Fifth Part: NTA UGC Net History Online Mock Test 27
(The answers to mock test 27 are given below)
21. At which of the following places has a stupa of the Kushana period been recently discovered?
- (a) Sanghol
- (b) Besnagar
- (c) Amravati
- (d) Lumbini (Rummindei)
22. To which of the following schools of art do the earliest images of the Buddha in human form belong?
- (a) Gandhara
- (b) Mathura
- (c) Pala
- (d) Gupta
23. With which of the following was the construc- tion of the stupas in the earliest period in- variably associated?
- (a) The concept of the universe
- (b) The life of the Buddha
- (c) The relics of the Buddha
- (d) The death of the Buddha
24. The most beautiful images of the Buddha were carved out in the School of Art :
- (a) Kushana
- (b) Shunga
- (c) Gupta
- (d) Pala
25. Which of the following did not produce an impact on Chinese life and thought as a result of the influence of Buddhism?
- (a) Doctrine of rebirth
- (b) Belief in reward and retribution
- (c) The idea of causality
- (d) Faith in Ahimsa
Answer Key: NTA UGC Net History Online Mock Test 27
1. (b) | 6. (a) | 11. (a) | 16. (d) | 21. (a) |
2. (b) | 7. (c) | 12. (d) | 17. (d) | 22. (a) |
3. (d) | 8. (d) | 13. (c) | 18. (c) | 23. (c) |
4. (a) | 9. (c) | 14. (a) | 19. (c) | 24. (c) |
5. (d) | 10. (a) | 15. (d) | 20. (c) | 25. (d) |
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