2025 NTA UGC Net History Online Mock Test 28 held in India: 25 multiple-question answers from the history topic of the UGC NET Exam are given below.
NTA UGC Net History Online Mock Test 28
Mock Test Set | 28 |
Question Type | MCQ |
Medium | Online |
Subject | History |
Exam | UGC Net |
Question | 25 |
Marks | 1 |
First Part: NTA UGC Net History Online Mock Test 28
(The answers to mock test 28 are given below)
1. Which of the following rigorous practices is not pursued by the Jain monks?
- (a) Fasting and self-mortification
- (b) Death through gradual starvation
- (c) Pulling away the hair of head and beard
- (d) Not taking bath other than in flowing water
2. Which of the following statements regarding Mahavira‘s relation with the Lichhavis of Vaishali is correct?
- (a) His father Siddhartha belonged to the Jnatrika clan of the Lichhavis
- (b) Mahavira was married in the Lichhavi royal family
- (c) Mahavira’s mother Trisala was a sister of Chetaka, an eminent Lichhavi noble of Vaishali
- (d) Mahavira’s son-in-law Jamali was a prime minister of the Lichhavis
3. Which of the following were not one of the royal patrons of Jainism?
- (a) Satvahanas
- (b) Gangas
- (c) Chalukyas of Gujarat
- (d) Rashtrakutas
4. At which of the following place did Mahavira’s death take place?
- (a) Kusinara
- (b) Vaishali
- (c) Rajagriha
- (d) Pava
5. Which of the following was not one of the reasons for the gradual decline of Jainism?
- (a) The assimilative power of Hinduism
- (b) The destruction of their temples by the foreign invaders and others
- (c) The extremism of its ethical code and religious discipline
- (d) The influence and popularity of Shaiva and Vaishnava saints in the South
Second Part: NTA UGC Net History Online Mock Test 28
(The answers to mock test 28 are given below)
6. During his lifetime, Mahavira’s teachings were confined to the Ganga valley. But in later centuries they spread to many regions. Which of the following was not such region?
- (a) Gujarat
- (b) Rajasthan
- (c) Karnataka
- (d) West Bengal
7. What is the meaning of the word ‘Jaina’?
- (a) It means a person free from worldly fetters
- (b) It means one who is free from all passions and desires
- (c) It is derived from the word Jina, meaning conqueror
- (d) It means one who has renounced worldly pleasures
8. Which of the following was not one of the reasons for the rapid spread of Jainism amongst the trading community?
- (a) The trading community could observe the vow of non-injury without any difficulty
- (b) The strict limitation of private property was interpreted to mean landed property and not the wealth earned from trade and commerce
- (c) The Jain church received generous donations from rich merchants
- (d) The encouragement of frugality in Jainism coincided with a similar sentiment in commercial activity.
9. Which of the following vows was added by Mahavira to the four great vows enjoined by the twenty-third Tirthankara Parsvanath?
- (a) Non-injury
- (b) Continence or chastity
- (c) Truthfulness
- (d) Non-attachment
10. The images of which of the following Buddhist deities were not worshipped in Mahayana Buddhism?
- (a) The previous human Buddhas
- (b) Bodhisattvas as their spiritual sons
- (c) Goddesses Taras as consorts of Bod-hisattvas
- (d) Goddess Sri Lakshmi-symbolising the material life
Third Part: NTA UGC Net History Online Mock Test 28
(The answers to mock test 28 are given below)
11. When was the second and the last Jain Council held at Vallabhi (Gujarat), which made a final collection of the scriptures and reduced them to writing?
- (a) Third century B.C.
- (b) First century A.D.
- (c) Fifth or sixth century A.D.
- (d) Seventh or Eighth century A.D.
12. What was the name of the Jain monk under whose leadership, a large Jain community migrated from Magadha (South Bihar) to Shravanabelagola in Karnataka in the fourth century B.C.?
- (a) Nagarjuna
- (b) Samghadasa
- (c) Haribhadra
- (d) Bhadrabahu
13. Which of the following are considered to be the oldest texts containing Mahavira’s teachings received by Sthulabhadra at the feet of his guru Bhadrabahu?
- (a) Angas
- (b) Fourteen Purvas
- (c) Prakimas
- (d) Four Mulasutras
14. Where was the first Jain Council held around the third century B.C.?
- (a) Vallabhi
- (b) Pataliputra
- (c) Vaishali
- (d) Jrimbhikagrama
15. Which of the following was not a point of socio- spiritual difference between Buddhism and Jainism?
- (a) They differ in their fundamental concept of salvation
- (b) Jainism did not oppose the caste system and was more accommodating to Hinduism than Buddhism
- (c) Within five hundred years, Buddhism became a world religion while Jainism never went outside India
- (d) Buddhism was a religion of the masses, while Jainism remained confined to wealthy merchants and monopolists
Fourth Part: NTA UGC Net History Online Mock Test 28
(The answers to mock test 28 are given below)
16. When did the final compilation of Mahavira’s teachings take place?
- (a) Sixth century B.C.
- (b) Third century B.C.
- (c) Fifth or sixth century A.D.
- (d) Eleventh century A.D.
17. What was the nature of difference between Bhadrabahu and his followers, which led to the split of Jainism into two sects, namely Digambaras and Shvetambaras?
- (a) Interpretation of certain philosophical canons
- (b) Compilation of the teachings of Mahavira
- (c) Whether or not the monks should wear clothes
- (d) Idol worship
18. Which of the following Jain texts were compiled at the first Jain Council held at Pataliputra in the third century B.C.?
- (a) Purvas
- (b) Twelve Angas
- (c) Ten Prakirnas
- (d) Six Chheda sutras
19. A Jain Tirthankara who is supposed to have been the kinsman of Lord Krishna was:
- (a) Risabha
- (b) Neminatha or Aristanemi
- (c) Parsvanath
- (d) Mahavira
20. Which of the following is considered to be the greatest of Jain scholars?
- (a) Bhadrabahu
- (b) Sthulabhadra
- (c) Amoghavarsha
- (d) Hemchandra
Fifth Part: NTA UGC Net History Online Mock Test 28
(The answers to mock test 28 are given below)
21. The greatest Jain scholar Hemachandra was a court Pandit and annalist at the court of:
- (a) Rashtrakuta Amoghavarsa
- (b) Chalukya Kumarapala
- (c) Chalukya Jayasimha Siddharaja
- (d) Chandel Vidyadhara
22. The eleven Gandharas in Jainism were:
- (a) Close disciples or apostles of Mahavira
- (b) Heads of the school of Jainism
- (c) Great angels of Jainism
- (d) Future pontiffs of Jainism
23. The followers of Vardhamana Mahavira were known as Nirgranthas, because they had:
- (a) Discarded their clothes
- (b) Become free from worldly fetters or bonds
- (c) Become perfect men
- (d) Accepted the teachings of Mahavira
24. Which of the following pairs of Jain religious texts and their contents is not correctly matched?
- (a) Angas – explain the Jain doctrines through big ends
- (b) Chheda sutras – explain the rules of dis-cipline of the monastic order
- (c) Mula sutras – deal with the basic doctrines of Jainism
- (d) Prakirmas – deal with the monastic order of the nuns
25. What was the name of the village where Mahavira attained the highest spiritual knowledge (kevalva-jnana)?
- (a) Kundapura or Kundagrama
- (b) Vaishali
- (c) Gaya
- (d) Jrimbhikagrama
Answer Key: NTA UGC Net History Online Mock Test 28
1. (d) | 6. (d) | 11. (c) | 16. (c) | 21. (c) |
2. (c) | 7. (c) | 12. (d) | 17. (c) | 22. (a) |
3. (a) | 8. (c) | 13. (b) | 18. (b) | 23. (b) |
4. (d) | 9. (b) | 14. (b) | 19. (b) | 24. (d) |
5. (c) | 10. (d) | 15. (d) | 20. (d) | 25. (d) |
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