Italian Girl Names Starting With L

Italian Girl Names Starting With L – Lara, Leda, Lida, Lisa, Lina, Luca, Luca, Luna, Lyna, Lanza, Lilla, Lilly, Lydia, Lorenza etc.

New Italian Girl Names Starting With L

LiPlum; Dawn; Beautiful; Pretty
LeaGoddess of Canoe-makers; Weary
LiaBringer of Good News; Dependence
LiuWillow Tree; Flowing
LaraFamous; Well-known; Cheerful
LaveBurning Rock; Lava
LedaQueen; Mother Creator
LidaNoble Kind; Love; Joy; Happiness
LinaAlive; Pledge; Noble; Nobility
LisaConsecrated to God; Oath of God
LolaLady of Sorrows; Strong Woman
LoraCrowned with Laurels
LucaFrom Lucania
LunaMoon; Purity; Lovely; Flower
LydaVariant of Leda; Joy; Happiness
LylaDark Haired Beauty; Night
LanzaNoble; Eager
LauraCrowned with Laurels; Laurel
LeilaDark as Night; Black; Night
LeolaLioness; Loyal; Faithful
LeonyBrave; Lioness
LettaJoy; Gladness
LiciaTruthful; Abbreviation of Alicia
LidiaWoman from Lydia; Beautiful
LillaLily Flower
LindaTender Woman; Pretty One; Soft
LiobaBeloved; Dear
LiviaFish; Olive Tree; Life
LoanaLight; God was Gracious
LoriaCrowned with Laurels
LottaFree Woman; Form of Charlotte
LuanaHappiness; Pleasure
LuciaBringer of Light; Light
LuckaBorn at Daybreak; Bright
LuisaRenowned Warrior; Famous in War
LydiaNoble Kind; Of the Noble Sort
LacoleVictorious People
LeonorSympathy; Light; Sun Ray
LeslieHolly Orchard; Small Meadow
LilianBlend of Lily
LorenaCrowned with Laurels
LoritaSweet Bay Tree
LuigiaWell-known Fighter
LadonnaLady; Form of Donna
LaviniaUnclear; In Classical Mythology
LeonaraTorch; Variant of Eleanor
LetitiaJoy; Joyful; Happy; Happiness
LetiziaJoy; Gladness; Delight; Joyful
LilianaLily; Symbol of Innocence; Purity
LisannaForm of Lisanne
LisettaPledged to God; God’s Promise
LorellaLittle Laurel
LorenzaCrowned with Laurels
LorettaCrowned with Laurels
LorianaCrowned with Laurels
LucettaLight of the Day; Little Light
LucianaBorn in the First Hours of Light
LucillaGraceful Light; Illumination
LuiginaWell Born; Famous Warrior
LunettaLittle Moon; Moon
LaeticiaGladness; Happy; Joy
LaudomiaPraise to the House
LaurenzaCrown of Laurels
LaurettaLaurel Tree
LeonardaLion; Lion’s Strength; Lioness
LeontinaShining Light; Lion; Brave
LeontineLion Woman; Lioness
LoredanaLaurel Grove
LoriannaBright; Flower; Blossom; Laurel
LuciannaGraceful; Light; Illumination
LucretiaRich; Wealthy; Profit; Succeed
LucreziaBenefit; Wealth
LudovicaFeminine of Louis
LuisellaWarrior; Fighter; Loud; Fame
LaurentinaBay; Laurel; Person from Laurentum
LychorindaFrom Shakespeare’s Play Pericles

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