Italian Girl Names Starting With M

Italian Girl Names Starting With M- Mary, Mena, Mana, Mia, Mina, Mita, Mona, Maria, Marisa, Marcia, Miloni, Mafalda, Morena etc.

New Italian Girl Names Starting With M

ManMind; God is with us
MeaMine; One who like a God
MeiThe Fifth Month; May
MiaBeauty; Mine; Beloved
ManaSupernatural Power; Love; Alike
MaraBitter; Variant of Maria
MaryWished-for Child; Rebellion
MasaTrue Sand; Just; True
MeleRebellious Woman; A Poem
MenaLove; Strong; Intellect; Speech
MilaTraditions; Miracles; Industrious
MinaLove; Will; Desire; Helmet
MireWonderful; Lovely
MisaLike a God
MitaA Friend; Dearest; Generous
MonaSolitary; Adviser; Nun; Wish
MagdaHigh Tower; Maiden
MagliShort Form of Magdalena; Pearl
MariaPleasure of Joy
MaryaBeauty; Mark; Limit; Beloved
MauraRebellious; Wished-for Child
MelbaSoft or Slender; Mill Stream
MellaDark Skinned; Dark; Black
MianaProtection; Desire
MilanMeeting; Get Together; Eager
MiliaHard Working
MilvaKind Protector
MinnaForm of Willamina; Will; Desire
MoanaFrom the Ocean; Brave; Cute
MollyRebellious; Coolest name Ever
MoniaTo Advise; Hermit; To Warn; Only
MyriaProsperous; Great; Famous
MarciaRendered to Mars; Warlike
MarinaFrom the Shore; Sea Maiden
MarisaCombination of Maria and Luisa
MarziaSatisfactory; Agreeable; Warlike
MasinaGod’s Beauty
MatheaGift of God
MatteaGod’s Gift
MelitaVariant of Melissa; Bee; Honey
MichelFeminine Form of Michael
MiettaSmall and Sweet
MiladaLove; Favour; Grace
MilanaUnion; Joining Together; Beloved
MilitaA Flower Blossom
MinoliBrilliant like a Lightning
MiriamRebellious Woman
MonicaAdviser; Solitary; Alone; Unique
MorenaLittle Mary; Brown; Brown-haired
MabiliaTo Love
MadonnaLady of Mine; My Lady
MafaldaPowerful Battler; Mighty in Battle
MagentaA Colour name; A Town in Italy
MajellaName of a Saint
MalvinaWoman with Smooth Forehead
ManuelaGod Accompanies us
MarcelaDedicated to God Mars; God Mars
MarianaRebellious Woman
MariolaSea of Bitterness
MarissaOf the Sea; Dancing with River
MariyahPurity; To Desire
MarrisaBeloved of Amun
MarsalaFrom Marseilles
MartinaRendered to Mars
MartineDedicated to Mars
MatildaStrength for Battle
MaurisaDark; Dark-skinned
MelissaA Bee; Honey Bee
MicaelaOne who is like God
MichelaFeminine of Michael Gift from God
MicheleLike the Lord; Feminine of Michael
MichellOne who Resembles God
MinervaThe Mind; Intellect
MirandaAdmirable; Wonderful
MirellaAdmirable; Famous; Shining Sea
MysticaWashed in an Air of Mystery
MadelenaFrom the High Tower
MarcellaWarring; Little Marcus
MargaretPearl; Jewel; Name of a Saint
MariannaCombination of Maria and Anna
MariellaBitter; Bitterness
MariessaSea of Bitterness; Rebelliousness
MariettaBeloved; Sea of Bitterness
MarietteSea of Bitterness; Beloved
MarquesaRoyalty Title
MichaelaGift from God
MonalisaNoble; The Beauty
MaddalenaMagnificent; Place name
MaddelenaHigh Tower; Woman from Magdala
MagdalenaWoman from Magdala
MargaritaPearl; Child of Light
MarinellaOf the sea
MariolinaStar of the Sea
MercedeszGrace; Merciful; Mercies
MichelinaOne who is like Lord / God
MarcellinaOf Mars; Dedicated to Mars
MargheritaPearl; Bitter
MariabellaBeautiful; Beloved
MariaelenaMaria plus Elena
MariaTeresaBitter Harvester

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