Parts of speech

Each and every word within a sentence is called part of speech. Each and every word has a different role. Here in this article, we are going to discuss all parts of speech and its category. You will capture some detailed ideas by reading this article,

Parts of speech

What is part of speech and its category?

Every word within a sentence is called part of speech. It functions in different roles within a sentence. The idea of eight categories of parts of speech originated by the grammarian Dionysus Thrax in ancient Greece about 100 years before the birth of Christ. The eight categories are – noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interaction.

What are the 8 types of parts of speech?

We can divide words into 8 categories due to their role within a sentence. The categories are-

  • 1. Noun,
  • 2. Pronoun,
  • 3. Adjective,
  • 4. Verb
  • 5. Adverb,
  • 6. Preposition,
  • 7. Conjunction,
  • 8. Interaction.

What is noun

The word noun came from the Greek word Sonoma meaning name. The parts of speech nouns refer to something’s name such as a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns can take the role of subject, direct object, indirect object subject complement, or object complement in a sentence. For example, Harry Potter is a magician here Harry Potter is the noun.

Some examples of noun

Rose is redrose
Trees give us oxygentrees, oxygen
William is an excellent studentWillam

What is Pronoun

In Latin, the word pro means for. So it stands for a noun. It is one kind of part of speech that stands instead of a noun. For example, if I said Milton is a good boy. Milton lives in America. Milton’s mother is a good singer. Here I frequently use the word milton and the repeating of the word milton sounds awkward. I can tell these sentences in such a way – Milton is a good boy. He lives in America. His mother is a good singer. Here I use the words he, and his instead of the noun, Milton. These words are the pronoun

Some examples of pronoun

Blake’s father gave him a chocolatehim
Priya’s grandfather told her the story of Oedipusher

What is an adjective with an example?

An adjective is a part of speech that describes the quality of nouns and pronouns. It can be used as a Pre-modifier of a noun by placing it before a noun. For example – rad shirt, beautiful girl, sad boy, etc. Even, it also can be used as a post-modifier of a noun or pronoun. For example, the bird is beautiful, the cat is black, etc.

Some examples of adjective

Riya looks afraidafraid
It is a famous novelnovel

What is a verb with an example

The verb is a word that describes the action, physical condition, mental condition, or state of the subject. It is doing word. It explores what the subject does or what happened with the subject. The baby is crying- the word crying indicates the state of the subject

Some Examples of verb

The man is lunginglaughing
He takes tea in the morningtakes

What is an adverb and example?

An adverb is a part of speech that describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb. It also can describe a sentence, phrase, or Clause. He ran slowly. The word slowly describes the verb(run). So it is an adjective. It normally ends with ‘ly’.

Some examples of adverb

He writes carefullycarefully
Rahim runs very fastvery

What is Preposition

The term pre means before and position means place. So, preposition is a part of speech that is placed before a noun and pronoun and creates a relationship between noun, pronoun, and the other part of a sentence. It is the fish of river- of is the preposition.

Some examples of prepositions

He came with mewith
The sun rises in the eastTin

What is a conjunction in English grammar

A conjunction is a word that joins two or more phrases, clauses, or words or makes a relationship between two or more clauses, or phrases. He works hard but he can not pass in exam. But is the conjunction that binds the two clauses?

example of conjunction

I have a bike and a carand
Neither the bus nor the car is safe for journeyneither, nor.

What is Interjection in English

An interjection is part of speech that expresses a sudden feeling or emotion such as sorrow, pain, surprise, hatred, etc. Alas! The man has passed away!

Some Example interjection

Oh! God, you are great.Oh!
Wow! What a beautiful feelings.Wow!

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