Do you know what is the second part of speech? Yes, it is a pronoun that stands for a noun. We are going to discuss pronoun and their types in this article. We hope it will provide you with a better understanding of pronouns.
All about Pronoun
What is pronoun?
It is one kind of parts of speech that stand instead of a noun. It is the second part of speech. In Latin the word pro means for . So it stand for noun or the noun phrase . we use pronoun to avoid the repetition the same noun more and more. For an example if we speak few line abou a cow just like – the cow is a domestic animals. The cow give us milk. The cow has 4 leg, two eyes and one tail. Cow eats green grasses, leaf, hay etc. Here the repetition of the word cow (noun) sound too much wied and in this case to avoid it we can use the pronoun.
Type of pronoun
Pronoun is classified in verious way. We are tring to provide you a detail idea about 7 category of pronoun. The 7 type of pronoun are personal pronoun, possessive pronoun, reflexive pronoun, demonstrative pronoun, relative pronoun, interrogative pronoun and indefinite pronoun.
What is personal pronoun
Personal pronoun is one kind of pronoun that refers to a specific person, gender, number, case, animal Or things. It is used in the place of proper noun.
Example of personal pronoun
I, we, you, me, he, she, us, him, her, they, it etc
Example Of personal pronoun through sentence
They are going to office.
You have a beautiful face.
She is my mother.
I love her too much.
We are just friend now.
What is Possessive pronoun
Possessive pronoun is one kind of pronoun that used in the place of noun and indicates ownership or possession.
Example of possessive pronoun
Mine , yours, ours, her, theirs, his, my etc.
Example of possessive pronoun through sentence
The pen is mine
What is your name?
Their class teacher is my uncle
My father is a singer
This is our home
What is reflexive pronoun
Reflexive pronoun is one kind of pronoun that is used when the subject and the object are the same . It refer back to a thing or a person.
Example of reflexive pronoun
Yourself, yourselves, themself, themselves, myself, ourself, ourselves Etc.
Example of reflexive pronoun Through sentence
I am used to done my work myself.
You can drive by yourself.
Though their had may circumstances, we enjoyed ourselves.
They are preparing themselves better.
What is Demonstrative pronoun
Demonstrative pronoun is point out something far or near the speaker by demonstrative word such as this, that etc.
Example of demonstrative pronoun
Those, such, that, these, this,
Example of demonstrative pronoun through sentence
Those dresses are suitable for you
This is my pet dog
Do you see anything such this
That is the right answer
These flowers are very beautiful
What is Relative pronoun
Relative pronoun is the word that used in the relative clause or subordinates or in the complex sentence to connect the the sentence.
Example of relative pronoun
Who, whom, whose, which, that, what,
Example of relative pronoun through the sentence
Who is your father?
What is going on here?
That is the normal phenomena.
Rabindranath is one of the poet whose poem are very popular.
What is interrogative pronoun
interrogative pronoun is the pronoun or word that used to make a interrogate or question. Even It is used to make a direct question or indirect question. These pronoun are some time called wh-word because most of word are starting with wh.
Example of interrogative pronoun
Who , which what, when etc.
Example of interrogative pronoun in sentence
Which is the real gun?
Who has done this work?
When your shop will be closed?
What is the indefinite pronoun?
Indefinite pronoun is one of the pronoun who don’t refer specific things, person. It refers the person or things in general way.
Example of indefinite pronoun
Few, something, anyone, anything, many, none etc.
Example of indefinite pronoun through sentence
Few people hate bapu ji.
Anyone can attend the meeting.
Anything you have
Anything you have done is wrong.
None of these are necessary for this job.