Muslim families of the Islamic religion often choose acceptable Muslim boy names starting with B, which has a deeper meaning. Naming a baby is very important. and meaningful work that reflects tradition, culture and family values.
We have noticed that Muslim families of the Islamic religion often prefer to choose acceptable Muslim boy names starting with B. Muslim boy names starting with B have deep meanings. So we have listed all Muslim boys with B name. We hope you find a favourite name for your baby.
List of Essential Acceptable 300 Islamic Religion Muslim Boy Names Starting with B Top Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With BMuslim Boy Names Meaning Baadi Wonderful Badi Inventor, Creator Balagh Declaration Basil Royal Buham Soldier, Brave Baasim Smiling; Happy Baha al Din Magnificence of the faith Bakhatwar Fortunate, Happy, Prosperous Baqi It means servant of the everlasting power Barir Honest and faithful person
Modern Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With BMuslim Boy Names Meaning Baahi Shining Badi al zaman The marvel of time Balj Delighted, A Narrator of Hadith had this Name Basit Spreader, Transmitter, Purveyor Buhur Oceans, Seas, River, Eye, Sight Baasit One who confers of prosperity Baha Udeen The magnificent of the faith Bakhtiyar Fortunate, Lucky Baqil Handsome and youthful person Barjees A variant name for the planet Jupiter
Unique Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With BMuslim Boy Names Meaning Baahir Brilliant Badr Full Moon Banseel Brave Basr Eye-sight, Wisdom, Sight Buluj Glitter, Shine Baatin Inner, Hidden, Secret, Internal Bahadar Brave man Bakhtur Fortunate Baqir Deeply learned Barkat One who is blessed and lucky, Blessing, Abundance, Fertility, Prosperity
Best Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With BMuslim Boy Names Meaning Barir Faithful Baha Magnificient Baqar Star Baqa Survival, Immortality, Eternity Bulus Small, Humble Baayazeed The name of a king, Also the name of a great sufi Bahadur Shah Brave king Bakir Coming early, Early morning Baqiyya One who is endure a lot Barlas An authoritative and strong willed person
New Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With BMuslim Boy Names Meaning Barin Young Bahadur Bold Baqir learned Baqi Everlasting Eternal Buqat Temple, Monastery Babak A young new father Bahauddin Ornament of religion Bakr Young camel Baraa Free Barraq A boy who glows in glory
Beautiful Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With BMuslim Boy Names Meaning Baariq Shining, Bright, Illuminating Bahij Cheerful Barek Noble Batal Brave, Hero, Champion Buraq Bright One Babil Gate of God Bahhath Examiner, Research scholar Balaabishekh One who does great deeds Baraat One who is secure Barzin An Iranian hero who is brave and handsome
Indian Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With BMuslim Boy Names Meaning Baasir Wise, seeing Bahjat Beautiful Barkhan Leader Batik Sharp Sword Buras The Biblical Name Peter is the English Language Equivalent Badee Novel, Rare Bahiy Udeen The magnificent of the faith Balal Moisture, Freshness Barakaat One who is blessed with abundant prosperity Basaam Smiling
Cute Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With BMuslim Boy Names Meaning Baasim Smiling Bajih Rejoice Barakah Blessing Bayar A delightful person Burhan Proof Badil Good, Religious Bahiyy Magnificence of the faith Baleegh Eloquent; Learned Barakah A white-skinned woman, Fair, Having God’s favor Basar Seeing, Sight, Intelligence
Stylish Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With BMuslim Boy Names Meaning Baashir Bringer of good news Bajul Respected, Honour Basaam Smiling Bayhas Name of the lion Buruj Signs of the Zodiac Badr Perfect state or condition, Illumination Bahjah Live in Splendor Baleel Moisture Bardia The prince Basarat Seeing, Perceiving, Perception
Rare Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With BMuslim Boy Names Meaning Baaz Falcon Bakar Morning Basar Sight, Vision, The Eye Baz Royal, Kingly Bushr Joy, Happiness Badr al Din Full moon of the faith Bahram Victory, Conquest Baliq Eloquent, Complete, Effective Baree Free; Free from the Hell Baseer Wise; Sagacious
Trending Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With BMuslim Boy Names Meaning Bazil Merciful Bakht Fortune, Luck Baseem Smiling Behzad Honest and caring Baahir Prevailing Badr Aldin Led by Allah Bahrawar Favoured, Happy, Fortunate Bambad It means dawn Bareed A messenger of good news Bashaar Bringer of glad tidings
Popular Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With BMuslim Boy Names Meaning Baazigh Shining Baki Balance Baseer Vision Bilal The prophet’s person calling prayer Baaqi The Everlasting: Perpetual Badr Udeen Full moon of the faith Bairam Festival, Celebration Banayot Mature and responsible person Barek One who is noble Bashaarat Good news; Forecast; Glad tidings
Latest Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With BMuslim Boy Names Meaning Babar Lion Bakir Early in the Morning Basel Brave Bishr Joy Baari Creator Badruddin Full moon of religion Bajes The name of Arabic origin means ‘powerful warrior’. Baqa It means eternity, immortality, and survival Barhana Strong, vigorous Basheer Bearer of good news
Baby Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With BMuslim Boy Names Meaning Baber Courageous, Lion Bakr Camel, First Born Basha Stranger Borak Lightning Baarr Just: Pious Badshah King of luck Bakhshad May god forgive Baqai Endurance Barhi Thanking the world Bashiq Hawk, Falcon, Martin
Famous Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With BMuslim Boy Names Meaning Babik A king name Bakri One who starts work early Bashar Bringer of glad tidiings Budat Prince Baashir A brave and loyal person Baha Splendid, Beauty, Elegance, Excellence, Value Bakhshi Fortune giver Baqee It means enduring and lasting Bariq Flashing, Dazzling, Lightning Burqan Shine, Glitter
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