Muslim families of the Islamic religion often choose acceptable Muslim boy names starting with K, which has a deeper meaning. Naming a baby is very important. and meaningful work that reflects tradition, culture and family values.
We have noticed that Muslim families of the Islamic religion often prefer to choose acceptable Muslim boy names starting with K. Muslim boy names starting with K have deep meanings. So we have listed all Muslim boys with L name. We hope you find a favourite name for your baby.
Receptive 300 Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With K Top Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With KMuslim Boy Names Meaning Kaab Fame Kahill Best friend Karif Arrived in Autumn Khalid Eternal, Abiding Kifl Fortune, Luck Kadir Spring Greening Khayam Tent Maker Khalaf Successor, Heir Kamaluddin Perfection of religion Khaazin Treasurer, Cashier
Modern Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With KMuslim Boy Names Meaning Kaaf Sufficient, Enough Kahlil Friend Karman Man Khalif Successor Kinza Hidden Treasure Khairul Bashar Best of mankind, an epithet Kashfi To Clear Kadar Powerful Kourosh First King Of Iran Khannas Being
Unique Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With KMuslim Boy Names Meaning Kaamil Perfect Kaif Pleasure, High Spirits, Sea Kashif Explorer, Uncovered Khalil Good friend, Another name for prophet Muhammad Kishwar A country, region Karem Kindness, grant Khattab Orator, Speaker Kabar High status Khushnood Happy, Pleased Kharouf Lamb
Best Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With KMuslim Boy Names Meaning Kamilat Complete Kafeel Responsible Kashish Attraction Khaleel Beautiful Kiyan Kings, Royal Khusro pretty Khursheed The Sun Kaashif Revealing, Discoverer Kaukab Star Kiumars A Character In Shahnameh
New Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With KMuslim Boy Names Meaning Kaashif Discoverer Kafi Sufficient Kasim Divided Khalis Pure Khizar Green, greenness, Name of a Prophet, great wisdom or mystic knowledge Kasam Open flower Kamish Skillfull Khyber Famous Pass Katif To Hate Evil Khushtar Sarrounded by happiness
Beautiful Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With KMuslim Boy Names Meaning Kassim One who is divided Kafur To Disappear Kazi Good, Judge Khateeb Orator, Preacher Khalifa Caliph, Successor Kalam Speech Conversation Kadin Friend, Companion Khalaq Creator Khaldun Eternal Kurayb Ibn Abi Muslim al-Hashami had this name
Indian Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With KMuslim Boy Names Meaning Kashan Place of rulers Kaiser Caesar, Emperor, King Kedar Powerful Khayr Good, Blessing, Boon, Wealth Kashan Popular Cities Khalid Bin Walid General to whom the Prophet Khalilullah Friend of Allah, an epithet Korin Maiden Khatam To Finish Khadin Dearest friends
Cute Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With KMuslim Boy Names Meaning Kaazim One who refrains from anger Kalb Brave, Heart Keyann King, Crown Khidr Green Khan Prince Khairat Benevolence, Charity Kafil Responsible, Sponsor Khaista Beautiful Kaleel Friend Khushnud Happy, Pleased
Stylish Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With KMuslim Boy Names Meaning Kab Fame, Honour, High Rank, Glory Kaleem Speaker, Talker Khaalish Genuine Khizar Name of a Prophet Khuzaima Gabal Elba Dragon Tree, Name Of A Companion Khalif Surrogates successor Khulus Clearness, purity Kalimullah One who conversed with Allah Kaadih Toiling, Making efforts Karamullah Bounty of Allah
Rare Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With KMuslim Boy Names Meaning Kabir great, powerful, leader Kalid Eternal Khabir expert Khubayb A fast walker Khurram Delightful, Happy, Pleasant, Happiness Kifayat Sufficiency, Competence Kasib Fertile Khateeb Orator, Preacher Khuzaimah Old Arabic name Koakab Stars
Trending Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With KMuslim Boy Names Meaning Kadar Powerful Kaliq Creative Khair Excellent Khuram Tiger Khwaja Mister, A Spiritual Title Kaden Companion Kiani Ancient Karamat Miracle, Nobility Khafid Easy, comfortable, smooth Khaliquz Zaman The qualified
Popular Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With KMuslim Boy Names Meaning Kadeem Slave to god Kamal Perfect Khair Udeen The good of the faith Khurshid The sun Kaleem Speaker, Interlocutor Kalb Dog Kauthar Ample, Abundant Kufi Areas in the city of Kufa Kamyar Successful Kamshad Happy Wish/desire
Latest Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With KMuslim Boy Names Meaning Kaden Companion Kamran Successful Khafid Easy, comfortable, smooth Khyal Fantasy, Vision Kalim Speaker, Interlocutor Khadim Servant, Attendant Kathir Much, Abundant, Plentiful, Substantial Khaleeq Competent, Well Disposed Kardam Bold , brave Kateb Writer
Baby Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With KMuslim Boy Names Meaning Kadin Friend, companion Kamshad Happy wish Khalaf Successor, Descendants Kibrial Divine majesty Kafeel Sponsor, Surety, Responsible Kulsom With full cheeks Khabbab One who paces, trots or walk Khaqan Great king Kambiz Fortunate Khairuddin Boon of religion
Famous Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With KMuslim Boy Names Meaning Kahil Friend Kareem Honorable Khaleed Immortal Kifah Struggle, Fight Kaniz Servant Khaliq Competent, Well Disposed Khuda Bakhsh Gift of Khudaah Khaan Pathan, Leader Kirmani Kerman City Resident Kaneef To Hide
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