Muslim families of the Islamic religion often choose acceptable Muslim boy names starting with N, which has a deeper meaning. Naming a baby is very important. and meaningful work that reflects tradition, culture and family values.
We have noticed that Muslim families of the Islamic religion often prefer to choose acceptable Muslim boy names starting with N. Muslim boy names starting with N have deep meanings. So we have listed all Muslim boys with N name. We hope you find a favourite name for your baby.
Receptive 300 Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With N Top Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With NMuslim Boy Names Meaning Naail Acquirer, Earner Nadim Friend Najeeb Noble Nasir Helper Nudrat Unique Naazhim Administrator; Manager Najeed Brave; Lion; A person who does such deeds which other could not do Natheer Warner Nazheef Clean; Neat; Chaste Nisbat Relation, Affinity, Reference, Alliance, Connection
Modern Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With NMuslim Boy Names Meaning Naadir Beloved Nadhir Warner Najm Star Nashwan Elated, Exalted Nuriel Fire Naazhir Spectator; Seer Najmuddin Star of religion Naukhez Fresh, Tender, New Nazheer Example; Instance; Precedent Nishat Happy, Cheerful lively
Unique Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With NMuslim Boy Names Meaning Naaji Saved, Liberated Naeem Comfort Nazmuddin Star of the Faith Nasr Vistory Nursultan Light prince Nabeel Handsome; Intelligent; Dexterous; One who is skilled in archery Najmul Sahar Morning star Naunihal Young, Shoot Nazish Pride, Arrogance, Glory Niyaaz Supplication; A thing dedicated; An offering; Acquaintance; Meeting
Best Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With NMuslim Boy Names Meaning Naasih Advisor Naef Excess, Surplus Najy Safe Nasheet Energetic Nuzhat Amusement Nabhan An outstanding man, A noble man Nakir Hateful Nauras Young, Fresh, Tender Nekakhtar Fortunate star Niyaz Offering to a saint, Face to face meeting
New Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With NMuslim Boy Names Meaning Naashir Helper Nafees Precious Nakir Hateful Nasrullah Protector of the faith Naabigh Distinguished; Talented; Man of genius, Brilliant person Nabi Messenger, Prophet Naqa Purity cleanliness Nauroz New day Nekbakht Lucky, Fortunate Niyazullah Offering in the name of God
Beautiful Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With NMuslim Boy Names Meaning Naashit Energetic, Dynamic, Fresh Nafi Beneficial, Advantageous Namdar Renowned, Famous Nasmi Breeze Naafi One who benefits others Nabigh Outstanding, Distinguished, Gifted, Brilliant, Talented, Genius Naqil Reporter, Narrator, Transcriber Naushad Happy Nekbaz Of good action Nizam Order, Arrangement, Administration
Indian Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With NMuslim Boy Names Meaning Naaqid A critic, A Reviewer Nahid Stainless Nameer Pure,clear,healthy Nawab Ruler Naaib A vice; A deputy; Delegate; Vice-regent; Attorney; Assistant Nabil Of noble birth, Honored, Handsome, Intelligent, Skillful, Clever Naqqash Painter, Engraver, Sculptor, Artist Naved Reward, Justice, Promise, Good news Nekdil Kindhearted Nizamuddin System of religion
Cute Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With NMuslim Boy Names Meaning Naazim Organiser Nahro River Namir Pure Nayaab Rare Naajid One who helps; Brave Nabiullah Messenger of God Naseer A helper; A friend Naveed Wishing you well Nezer Winning boy Nizhaam System; Rule
Stylish Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With NMuslim Boy Names Meaning Naazir Bright, Radiant Nahyan Stopper Namood Sample, Model, Paragon Nazeem Arranger, adjuster Naajy Safe Nadeem Friend; Colleague Naser Victorious Nawadir Rare, Precious Niamat Favour, Graciousness, Delicacy Nooh Name of a well-known Prophet of Allah Almighty
Rare Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With NMuslim Boy Names Meaning Nabeeh Noble, Outstanding Naib Deputy Naqib President, Head, Chief Nazhif Clean Naaqid A critic; A reviewer, A fault-finder Nadheer A Warner; A courtier Nashat Strength, Power, Eagerness, Zeal, Joy Nawaz Cherishing, Soothing, Playing on music Niamatullah Favour of god Noorudeen Brightness of the faith
Trending Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With NMuslim Boy Names Meaning Nobil Noble Naim Happiness, peaceful, bliss Naqqash Artist Nazih Pure Naasir A helper; A friend Nadid Equal, Alike, Match, Rival Nashtar Lancet, Fleam Naweed Good news; Glad tidings Niaz Gift Numair Resembling a panther
Popular Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With NMuslim Boy Names Meaning Nabighah Intelligent Najam Star Naseem Fresh air Nazim Organiser, Governor Naathim Arranger, adjuster Nadim Fellow celebrant, Companion, Confidant, Friend Nasik Pious, Devotee, Worshiper Nawfal Generous, Guide, Leader Nigar Painting, Picture, Portrait Nihathh Gratified
Latest Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With NMuslim Boy Names Meaning Nabih Noble, Famous, Eminent Najaat Rescue Nasih Advisor Nishaat Energy Naatiq Speaker; A rational being; Decisive; Rational; Definite Naghz Beautiful, Excellent, Good Nasiruddin Supporter of religion Nawwab Great, Man, Rich Nihaal A young; Planet; Pleased; Happy, Prosperous Nizarudeen Protector of the Faith
Baby Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With NMuslim Boy Names Meaning Nabhan Alert Naji Safe Nasib Fait Nijat Success Naayaab Rare; Precious Nahid Stainless, Immaculate Nasser Winning Nayef Highness and grace Nihad Nature, Essence, Family Naziruddin Warner of the Religion; Religious
Famous Islamic Muslim Boy Names Starting With NMuslim Boy Names Meaning Nadeem Friend Najji Intimate Friend, Bosom Friend Nasim Fresh Niyaz Dedication Naaz A proud man, Pride Najeeb Excellent; Noble; Generous; Praiseworthy; Of noble family, Honorable Nasuh Repentance, Sincere friendship Nazeeh Pure, chaste Nisar Throwing, Strewing, Sacrifice Nazmudin Organiser of the Religion Islam
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