Italian boy names starting with D are easily worth it. There is a huge variety of classic Italian names that will highlight the heritage of the baby you choose from this list and give him something unique to look forward to every day.
New Italian Boy Names Starting With DDeo Godlike; Dev Dil Heart; Mind Don Ruler of the World Dark Gift; God of Lord Deno Masculine; Little Sword Dezi Yearning; Sorrow; Longing Dino Little Sword; Various; An Expert Doda Great Domi Belonging to God; Of the Lord Dore Gift of Isis; Stranger; Exile
Dakar Happiness Dante Steadfast; Faithful; Enduring Dario Rich; Maintain well Deago Teaching Delio From Heaven Derek Ruler of the People Diego Doctrine; One who Supplants Donte To Endure Draco Dragon; A Dragon or Serpent Drago Dragon; Precious
Dyami Eagle Dallan Blind; Dale; Valley Damian To Tame; Subdue; Tamer Damone Gentle; One who Tames Danilo The Lord / God is My Judge Dantae Enduring Dantel Enduring Daunte Enduring Davide Italian Form of David; Beloved Davino One who Carries the World
Debora Bee Dieter The People’s Ruler Domani Tomorrow Donata Given by God Donati Present Donato Gift from God; Given Donzel Gift from God Duilio War Damiano Tame; Saint Damian was the Patron Dangelo Descendant of Angelo; Angel
Daniela God is My Judge Daniele God is My Judge Delfino Dolphin Demarco Of Marco; From the God Mars Demario Masculine Form of the Dam Demonte Living near the top of a Mountain Dianora Divine Domonic Lord’s Child Donatus Given; Present; Gift from God Durante Firm; Enduring; Steadfast
Deangelo From the Angel; Heavenly Messenger Demetrio Earth-lover; Of Demeter Diangelo From the Angel Dionisio Follower of Dionysius Domenick Alternate Spelling of Dominick Domenico Lord’s Child Dominoco The Lord’s; Belonging to the Lord Deanthony A Combination of the Prefix De Desiderio Desired, Yahweh is Salvation Donatello Donated; Gift from God
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