Italian boy names starting with J are easily worth it. There is a huge variety of classic Italian names that will highlight the heritage of the baby you choose from this list and give him something unique to look forward to every day.
New Italian Boy Names Starting With J
Joe God Raises; God will Jack God is Gracious; Son of Jack Jean God is Merciful; John Joan God is Gracious John God is Merciful; Gift of God Jony God has given; Gift of God Jose May God give Increase Josh Excited; Happiness Jader Jehovah has Heard; A Biblical name Jerzy Farmer; Earth Worker
Jesus God will Help Jimmy Supplanter; God May Protect Jobst Righteous; Fair Jozef Jehovah Increases Jackal Resembling a Wild Dog Jackie God has been Gracious Jacopo Substitute Javier Owner of a New House Jenoah Unclear Jordan To Flow down; Down-flowing
Joshua Jehovah Saves Julian Youthful; Down-bearded Youth Justin Love; Clever; Just; Upright Jacobus Following after; Supplanter Jacques Following after; Supplanter Jianjun Building the Army Juliano Jove’s Child; Soft Bearded Johannes German Form of John; Merciful Januario Of Janus Jeno Well-born, noble
Jeronimo Sacred name Jeronimus Sacred name Jovanney God is gracious Jovanno God is gracious