Italian Boy Names Starting With S

Italian boy names starting with S are easily worth it. There is a huge variety of classic Italian names that will highlight the heritage of the baby you choose from this list and give him something unique to look forward to every day.

New Italian Boy Names Starting With S

SalSaviour; Diminutive of Salvador
SamLord of God; Lord has Heard
SedBoy who always Nice to Others
SaroGood One
SaulPrayed for; Desired; Borrowed
SiroGlowing; Of the God
SabinBrave; From the Sabines
SalvoHealthy; Cured
SantoHoly; Sacred; A Saint
SauroCelestial; The Sun Worshipper
SergeForm of Sergio; Attendant; Servant
SestoThe Sixth Son
ShawnThe Lord is Gracious
SilioOf the Forest
SimonListening Intently
SistoSixth-born; Polished
SorenAustere; Severe; Grim; Stern
SaimirPleasant Companion
SalijaOriginate from Water (Lotus)
SandroWarrior; Defending Men
SattarConcealer; One who Hides
SavinoOf the Sabines
ScipioRod or Pole; A Staff
SergioAttendant; Servant; Loyal
SeveroStrict; Restrained; Stern; Severe
ShiwonExcellent; Talented
SicilyFrom the Island
SidneyFrom Saint Denis
SilvioWood; Silver; Wood Dweller
SimoneListening Intently; She who Hear
StelioLike a Star
SalamonPeaceful; Man of Peace
SalvinoSaviour; Diminutive of Salvador
SamueleTold by God; God has Hearkened
SansoneSun; A Strong Man
SantinoLittle Saint; Holy; City in Texas
SaturnoGod of Harvesting
SaverioOwner of a New House
SavieroOf the New House
SeverinAustere / Grim; Severe
SilvanoA Man from the Woods
SilvinoReferring to the Mythological
SimmonsGod has Heard; One who Hears
StanleyLives by the Stony
StefanoVictorious; Crowned
SabatinoFestive Day
SachetanAnimated; Rational; Awake
SalvadorOne who Saves; Saviour
SantiagoSaint James; Supplanter
SerafinoThe One that Burns; Ardent
SeverinoAustere or Grim; Servant
SiffredoVictorious Peace
SigfridoVictory; Protection; Safety; Peace
SofronioPrudent; Healthy in Spirit
StephanoVictorious; A Crown; Garland
SachethanAwake; Rational; Animated
SaturninoSanctified; To Sow; Son of Sancho
SempronioFamous Roman Surname
SeverianoSteel Blue Colour; Stern; Severe
SilvestreTrees; Sylvan
SilvestroFrom the Woods; Forest Dweller
SpiridoneRound Basket
StanislaoGlory; Strength; Firmness; Fame
SigismondoVictorious Protector
SouleymaneMan of Peace; Peaceful

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