Italian boy names starting with G are easily worth it. There is a huge variety of classic Italian names that will highlight the heritage of the baby you choose from this list and give him something unique to look forward to every day.
New Italian Boy Names Starting With GGon A Spirited Man Guy Professional Guide Gais Percival’s Grandfather; Happy Geno Well-born; God is Gracious Gero Brave with the Spear Gian God is Merciful Gino Well-known Fighter; Well-born Goro Fifth Gabba The Capital of Queensland Gerry Mighty with a Spear
Giann Life; A Piece of Heart Gildo Golden Giona A Dove Gorla A Person who Takes Care of Cattle Guido Guide Gaetan From Gaeta Galtem Form of Walter; Strong Warrior Gavino White Hawk; Of Gabium Genius A Guardian Spirit Geomar Famous in Battle
Gerard Spear Strong; Spear-brave Gerino Lance Gerodi Hero; Hill Gianni Knowledgeable; God is Gracious Gioele Yahweh is God Giomar Famous in Battle Giotto God’s Divine Peace Gitano Gypsy Giulio Youthful Giusto Just; Fair
Gordon Near the Meadow Hill Gregor Awake; Vigilant; Watchful Guilio Young Gabriel Christian; God is My Strength Gaetano From Gaeta; Place name Galileo From Galilee; Born in Galilee Galtero Form of Walter Strong Warrior Gaspare Keeper of the Treasure Gasparo Treasure; Wealthy Man Gastone Guest; Stranger
Gennaro Entrance; Door Gentile A Foreigner; Heathen Georges Farmer Georgio Italian Form of George; Farmer Geovani God has Shown Favour Geovany God has Shown Favour Geraldo Rules by the Spear; Spear Ruler Gerardo Strong like a Spear Geremia God is High; The Lord Exalts Germano From Germany; Brother
Giacobo He who Supplants Giacomo Following after; Supplanter Giacopo He who Supplants Giorgio Form of George; Farmer Giovani God has Shown Favour Giovany God has Shown Favour Giraldo Spear Ruler; A Spear Warrior Gregory Awake; Watchful; Alert Guntero Warrior Gustavo Staff of the Gods / Goths
Gabriele God is My Strength Galterio Form of Walter; Strong Warrior Genovese From Genoa Geoffrey Divine Peace; Peace Geovanni God is Great; Variant of John Geovanny God has Shown Favour Geronimo Sacred name Gervasio Warrior; Spear Hard Gherardo Spear Hard; Brave with a Spear Giacinto Hyacinth
Giacobbe Following after Giannino The Lord is Gracious Giordano Descend; Flowing down Giovanni God is Merciful; Gift from God Giovanny Variant of John Giovonni God has Shown Favour Girolamo Holy name Giuliano Wearing a Soft Beard; Youthful Giuseppe God Raises; He Shall Add Giustino Just; Fair; Righteous
Goffredo God’s Peace Graciano Pleasing; Lovely; Agreeable Graziano Pleasing; Agreeable Gregorio Italian Form of Gregory; Watchful Gualtier Powerful Warrior; Form of Walter Guerrino To Protect; Warni; Army Garibaldo Bold with a Lance Giampaolo God’s Precious Gift Giampiero God is Gracious Giancarlo God is Merciful
Gianluigi God is Gracious; Famous Warrior Gianpaolo God’s Precious Gift Gioachino Established by God Godofredo Friend of God; God-peace Gualberto Army Ruler; Warrior; To Rule Gualtiero People of Power; Army of Power Gugliehno A Strong; Resolute Protector Guglielmo Resolute Protector; Will-helmet Guilherme Strong Mind; Protection Gioacchino Established; Yahweh will Establish
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