Italian boy names starting with F are easily worth it. There is a huge variety of classic Italian names that will highlight the heritage of the baby you choose from this list and give him something unique to look forward to every day.
New Italian Boy Names Starting With FFaa Legend Fei Dance in the Air; Winged; Fly Fede Faith Fico A Fig; Peaceful Ruler Fina He Shall Add Fons Prepared; Ready for Battle; Noble Frea Generous Fred Calm Monarch; Form of Frederick Fabio Derived from the Roman Clan name Falco Surname Relating to Falconry
Fario Happiness Faust Lucky; Fortunate Fazio Good Worker Fiore Little Flower Folco One who belongs to the Community Fosco Dark; Hazy Frank Free; Free Landholder; Javelin Franz A Free Man; French Man Fredi Elf; Magical Counsel Fulco Village
Fabian Bean Grower; Grower of Beans Falito God has Healed Faunus God of Forests Fausto Lucky; Fortunate Fedele Faithful Feleti Peace Felice Happy; Fortunate; Lucky Ferran Baker Filipo Lover of Horses Flavio Blond; With Blond Hair
Franca Free Man Franco Frank; French Man Fresco Fresh Fulvio Dusky; Tawny Fabiano Bean Farmer; One who Grows Beans Fabrice Works with the Hands; Craftsman Fahroni Blacksmith Fantino Innocent Felicio Lucky; Happy; Fortunate Felippo Lover of Horses
Fidelio Fidelity; Faithful Filippo Lover of Horses; Horse of Lover Firmino Firm; Steadfast Florian Flowery; Flourishing Fontana Fountain; Water Source Fortino Strong; Fortunate; Lucky Francis Free; French Man Fransis Free One; Frenchman Fabrizio Skilled Worker Faustino Fortunate; Enjoying Good Luck
Federico Italian Form of Frederick Federigo Peaceful Ruler Fernando Brave Yet Peaceful Filemone Lover’s Kiss Filippio Form of Philip; Loves Horses Fiorello Little Flower Fiorenzo Blossoming Flaviano Blond; Yellow-haired Floriano Flower Francois Free; A Free Man; Frenchman
Fabrizzio Variant of Latin Word Faber Feliciano Happy; Lucky; Fortunate Ferruccio Iron Filiberto Brilliant Florencio Charming; Blossoming Fortunato Lucky; Fortunate Francesco Derived from the Latin Francis Francisco Saviour; Free; From France Frederick Calm Monarch; Peaceful Ruler Frederico Calm Monarch; Merciful Leader
Ferdinando Brave Traveller; Courageous Florentino Blooming; Flower; Flowering Plant Franciscus French Man; A Man Form France Franklin Free landholder Franklyn Free man Franko Free man Fraser Strawberry field Frido Peaceful ruler Friso Frisian, from Friesland Fulton From the people’s estate
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