Italian Boy Names Starting With R

Italian boy names starting with R are easily worth it. There is a huge variety of classic Italian names that will highlight the heritage of the baby you choose from this list and give him something unique to look forward to every day.

New Italian Boy Names Starting With R

RayStreak of Light; Regal
RicStrong Ruler; Variant of Richard
RikNew Way; Strong and Brave
RizAcceptance; Good will
RudLord Shiva
RaulWolf Counsellor; Wolf
RemoFrom the Raven Farm
RicoStrong Ruler; Glory
RigoFrom the Ridge
RinoDay; Sunlight
RoanFrom the Rowan Tree
RochRock; Glory; Rest; Battle; Cry
RockRock; Form of Rockne
RomyItaly; From the City of Rome
RufoRed Haired
RaoulAs Wise as a Wolf
RauloWise; Crowned with Laurels
RenzoCity of Laurels; Laurel
RicciCrinkly; Curly
RiccoLeader; Powerful; Strong Ruler
RickyRuler; Peaceful Ruler
RinatMelody; Happiness
RoccoRest; Battle Cry
RocheRest; Rock
RockyDweller by the Rock
RomanCitizen of Roman; Man from Rome
RomeoPilgrim to Rome; Citizen of Rome
RoqueRenowned Counsellor; Rock
RosinLittle Woods
RubenLucky; Winner; Behold a Son
RufinRedhead; Ruddy; Red-haired
RadleyFrom the Red Meadow / Forest
RafaelGod has Healed; Healer
RainerArmy / Strong Counsellor
RenatoReborn; Reaper; To Rise Again
RobertBright with Fame; Famed; Bright
RockeyDweller by the Rock
RomaniMan from Rome
RomanoComing from Rome
RomeloCitizen of Rome; Italy
RomeroPilgrim to Rome; Italy
RomoloFrom Rome
RufinoRed Gemstone; Red Haired; King
RupertBright Fame; Form of Robert
RustonRust’s Estate
RafaeleGod has Healed
RanieriPowerful Army
RanieroWarrior; Army; Advice; Counsel
RaphaelGod has Healed; Healed by God
RaymondProtected Counsel; Guards Wisely
RemigioNoise of Arms; Clanking Sword
RenaldoWise Ruler; Ruler with Counsel
RenardoBold; Courageous
RicardoDaring Power; Brave; Strong
RichardBrave One; Strong Ruler
RinaldoForm of Reginald; Counsel Power
RobbertBright Famous One
RobertoBrilliant / Bright with Fame
RodericFamous Ruler
RodolfoLegendary / Famous Wolf
RodrigoRenowned Chief; Famous Ruler
RolandoFamous Land; Renowned in the Land
RomarioPilgrim to Rome
RossanoBrilliant; Peninsula; Promontory
RuggeroForm of Roger; Famous Spear
RupertoFamous Brilliance
RafaelloGod has Healed; Form of Raphael
RaffaeleHealed by God
RaffaeloGod has Healed; Form of Raphael
RaimondoItalian Form of Raymond
RaimundoGuards Wisely; Wise Guardian
RiccardoPowerful Ruler; Dominant Ruler
RoderigoFamous Ruler; Notable Leader
RudolphoFamous Wolf
RomualdoThe Glorious King
RuggerioFamous Spear Man
RuggieroFamous Fighte
RaffaelloGod has Healed; Form of Raphael
ReginaldoRuler over Heroes
RicciardoFirm / Powerful Ruler
RobertinoBright Fame

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